Update on the furbaby...

Feb 14, 2017 08:30

Good news - no bladder stones. Bad news - the ultrasound showed 'renal changes' so they're running further tests to see if it's an infection, a toxin or a degenerative kidney disease.

So I've gone from not being unduly worried about my kitty to really very worried. If it's a kidney disease, that's terminal, there's no cure for degenerative kidney diseases, and he's young for his kidneys to start packing up, he's only six. I know it can be managed with diet and observation, and some cats can live with it for years - but if it is that he won't live to be an old kitty.

I know I shouldn't worry like this before the tests are back - it could be a bacterial infection that can be treated, and he's not showing any of the symptoms of degenerative kidney disease. But. He's my baby. I worry.

animals: pets

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