Kittycat update...

Feb 16, 2017 13:52

Kittycat is okay! The vet called and the bloodwork shows no sign of kidney disease, none of the usual markers, so she's fairly confident in saying that whatever is causing the kidney inflammation, it is not degenerative kidney disease. She's still waiting on the bacterial cultures, but she's suspects it may be an infection, which is treatable with antibiotics. She does want to run the bloods again in 3 months, just to make sure there's no long term issue with his kidneys.

So for now he's home, with a shaven belly, leg and neck, and feeling rather sorry for himself. Obviously there's still the urinary issue, but since the ultrasound showed no stones and no blockage, it's likely just a troublesome bout of cystitis. And he doesn't seem to be peeing blood anymore, so he may be on the mend.

So I am one very relieved cat momma, because of course I'd been Googling degenerative kidney disease and terrifying myself...

animals: pets

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