Post-Pride Monster Post: stories, shout-outs, picspam...and, of course, Supernatural. :)

Jun 27, 2007 19:16

Whew! It has been a truly crazy month or so, in the best possible ways, so my thanks to everyone for bearing with me.

Firstly, I'd like to say hi and welcome to all my lovely new friends via trystan830's friending meme last week (pimp! pimp! albeit belatedly, sorry!). *waves, rolls out welcome mat* l'll try to cobble together an intro post sometime soon... ( Read more... )

picspam, supernatural, real life, omg links

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Comments 33

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dendritejungle June 28 2007, 02:26:36 UTC
:D Thanks, I'm glad you like them! It was a great weekend. I'm still exhausted but riding the emotional high.

And damn, yes, love that corn. I don't know who those people are, but I am so happy they frequent practically every outdoor festival in Toronto all summer!


xtinethepirate June 28 2007, 02:41:44 UTC
How is it that I managed to forget or not know that you were Canadian? *scratches head* Dude, I wish I had lived in Toronto when I was old enough to do fun stuff like this, rather than when I was 8. Hahah.

Your signs are lovely, as are all the SPN references! YAY MORSE CODE PORN!! We are really the bestest fandom evers.


dendritejungle June 28 2007, 23:11:40 UTC
Yes, I am indeed a Canuck! And you...lesse...I think were in BC for school but are now in Halifax for the summer?

Well, clearly you will just have to come BACK to Toronto for at least a visit, and I'll set ya up with some fun stuff! :D

Thank you for the compliment on the signs - and YAY MORSE CODE PORN INDEED! \o/ I'm glad someone else thinks that's as incredibly awesome as I do. *beams*


trialia June 28 2007, 23:21:33 UTC
Oy, now I have to make one about eggplant porn (see my Memories) for my next Pride. *grin*


xtinethepirate June 29 2007, 21:51:46 UTC
Close! ^__^. I actually go to school in Hali, and was visiting relatives whom I havne't seen for yeaaaars out West.

Dude, next time I am in Toronto, whenever that might be, I am looking you up. Seriously. *grins*

And lol, I LOVED the morse code. I work at a military museum during the summer, and now whenever I pass the morse code trainer that we have, I just CRACK UP... and none of my coworkers get the reason why. *innocent smile* hehehe.


trialia June 28 2007, 05:27:58 UTC
Hee, there is a photograph of my feet uploaded on the internet. How geeky is it that that amuses me vastly? *grin*

Hardcore. I like that. Thank ya! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fully experience my first Canadian Pride march, I wasn't gonna give that up because my shoe broke! *g*

P.S. Mind if I link this from my journal?


dendritejungle June 28 2007, 23:16:09 UTC
Hey you! *twirls you* Lovely to see you on LJ - and looking forward to having you crash here next week! You're totally welcome to link this from your journal; I'd be honoured. (Just use my LJ name and not my real-life name, okay? Apparently I'm freak enough to share my boobs in this post *facepalm* but I'm still oddly private about my real name... :P)

Dude, you were TOTALLY hardcore. *is still in awe*


trialia June 28 2007, 23:19:24 UTC
Thanks! I linked to the pictures and quoted what you said about me, but that's about it, though I did say hi to you in the post by your real first name - wrote that post before LJ poked me about this, so I hope that's okay. I didn't mention your last name, and you don't even know mine because I don't use it, so... *g* And hey, boobs are cool. *nods* I'm just a bit shy about showing myself off like that.

*giggle* Thanks!


missyjack June 28 2007, 09:59:07 UTC
Oh how absolutely brilliant!!!! I would've loved to have been at the body painting painting!!! and am thrilled I was immortalised! Love seeing Drea's Flag in the march... weird to think of something conceived of in cyberspace coming to life on the street's of Toronto!


dendritejungle June 30 2007, 10:09:17 UTC
\o/ So glad you enjoyed, m'dear! *beams happily* And as to your icon, one of my co-workers actually said that to me with this faintly awed tone when I showed her the pics. *g*

People's incredibly creative ideas are one of my favourite things in the world (and one of my favourite things about the web is that it makes the dissemination of those ideas so much easier). Bringing those ideas to fruition in the real world? EVEN BETTER. I actually have a post on the subject I've been planning to write for a few weeks now...


eboniorchid June 29 2007, 11:28:59 UTC
Oh so much love! LOVE! This sounds like quite a spectacularly exhausting and amazing time! I'm overjoyed to have been even a small part of your raucous adventures in Prideland. And, of course, nw that everything's died down some, I might actually, ya know, go down to Church and poke around a bit more.

You inspire me! ♥


dendritejungle June 30 2007, 10:15:43 UTC
Aw, sweetie! *blushes, grins goofily* Well, you clearly inspire ME, so we're just a big 'ol feedback loop! (Okay, that sounded a little more...technical than I intended, but you know what I mean... :P)

And yay if you're going to get out more! I'd better get on that map then, eh? *g*


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