Whew! It has been a truly crazy month or so, in the best possible ways, so my thanks to everyone for bearing with me.
Firstly, I'd like to say hi and welcome to all my lovely new friends via
friending meme last week (pimp! pimp! albeit belatedly, sorry!). *waves, rolls out welcome mat* l'll try to cobble together an intro post sometime soon...perhaps this weekend? In the meantime, my profile's got the basics about me, and you're welcome to surf through past posts to get to know me a bit. Come in and make yourselves at home!
What you need to know for the purposes of this post is that I am, among other things, the moderator of the
Gay Geeks Rock Yahoo list and wrangle an annual contingent to take over the world participate in the Dyke March and Pride Parade here in Toronto. Which was this past weekend. Hence the ultra-long post that will include musings! pictures! stories! Supernatural stuff! something for everybody! and which I will now attempt to divvy up into manageable chunks for your surfing pleasure...
Laundry list of Stuff I Did This Week and shout-outs
Thursday evening began with an origami society meeting (with a Star Wars theme - whee!) which I left early to meet with the lovely Brit fan
flawedamythyst. Just met her online a couple of weeks ago through
merihn, but she's travelling across Canada so we arranged to get together. Had an awesome time chatting about all things fannish, Supernatural and pornly and I think rather discomfited the poor guy sitting next to us in Second Cup. Heh. Then I saw her again on Sunday when I was marching in the parade! \o/ :D
Friday evening saw me at the
Dufferin Grove Cooking Fire Theatre Festival, which was lovely and very family-friendly. Then I gave a hand to the volunteers who help maintain the garden in front of our building (I miss mucking around in dirt, dammit!), before the driving dance music beats floating from the Village called me out to wander around. While out, I saw
Nalo Hopkinson (*fangirls*) and our very own mayor Miller. How much do I love that our straight mayor did
this photo shoot a couple of years ago for Pride? A lot.
Saturday was off to a happy start courtesy of a lovely brunch with my bro and his fiancee, followed by the Dyke March (below). Much wandering around followed, including delightfully random meet-ups with
Jake - and
SexGeek who turned out to be in town! I may have squealed. In fact, I believe I did. Then home, frantic cleaning in prep for Sunday morning brunch, then out to the body painting party (below). Got home at 1 AM and craaashed.
Sunday morning started with the Gay Geek brunch at 10:30 AM (*wince* But we needed to leave at 12:30 so it didn't give us a lot of time...) at which I was joined by SmilingIndigo,
jaefru, ManifestStudio and V, followed by the marathon of the Parade itself, once again randomly running into Memethief and Sexgeek, and then running home to prep for my now-annual post-parade afterglow hang-out. Mr. See, Lectrixsola,
the_great_waka and
audreyovisual all came by, and I was introduced to the BEST SONG EVER: The Boob Fairy by Deirdre Flint. A sample bit:
The boob fairy never came for me
No the boob fairy never came for me
Look, I wasn't wanting melons, just a cute curvaceous "B"
But the boob fairy never came for me.
You can hear a clip and read the effing brilliant lyrics
here. I particularly love this bit:
Hey! We've all felt the pain of being dissed by one fairy or another, so during the next refrain I want you to join in with your own fairy that never paid a call. Maybe it's the height fairy or the butt nymph. Men, maybe it's the pectoral or hair fairy or maybe some other fairy you just want to mumble about. Look, nobody's going to ask you to enunciate. And sisters, I don't want you feeling alienated because you happen to be full-figured. Just change the line to the boob fairy wouldn't let me be or the boob fairy became obsessed with me.
God, this song is so awesome I was singing it to my hapless co-workers for the next two days. It was a wonderful way to end Pride. \o/
Personal thoughts on Pride: why I find it worth the stress
There are some things I find difficult or grating about Pride. I don't deal well with large crowds of people, for one thing: they generally exhaust me, not energize me. And it's usually so damn HOT that getting through two parades in 24 hours is somewhat physically gruelling as well. And then there's the Gay Geek Sunday morning brunch, and the post-parade Sunday get-together. Trying to organize the Gay Geeks and the signs and meeting up and answering questions and the attendant small anxieties wears me out mentally.
The other, unrelated thing that really bugs me are the number of people who attend not to celebrate with us, but to gawk at us, but that's a whooooole other issue. Don't get me started.
There are many important reasons for Pride to take place, and for me to feel it important to participate -
SexGeek compiled an excellent list in her recent entry on the subject. But for me, what makes it all worthwhile for me is seeing the shining looks on the faces of queer folk you just know are from small communities: witnessing so many other people like them for the first time. It's incredibly empowering and important to know that you're not alone, that you're part of something big and beautiful and vibrant and defiant in the face of
ongoing horror, and I'm honoured to take part in making that possible.
In a similar vein, I love seeing the faces of random people we march past light up when they see the Gay Geeks, as they start cheering like crazy. (As an aside, I find it interesting that it's most often younger folk, I'd say 25 or under, who are the loudest enthusiasts: those for whom being a geek doesn't have nearly the negative cachet it once did.) And then some run up and spontariously join us they're so excited! There are so many parallels between being and/or "coming out" as gay and geeky...it's really cool to be able to give a face and a voice of pride to queer geeks, particularly in a space that's devoted to giving a face and a voice of pride to the larger community of queer folk in general.
Also, when people tell me that marching with us is the one thing they really look forward to each year for Pride, or how much they enjoyed the brunch or coming over later? Dude, that totally makes all the stress worth it.
tl;dr? ;P Okay, have some pictures. Firstly, and with no further ado, we have
This, this is my baby. It was born out of a
conversation missyjack and
eboniorchid had a while back which I then
commented on. I'm thrilled I did, since it was my first introduction to the lovely
eboniorchid who I now consider a good friend and probably wouldn't otherwise have met. So this sign is a tribute both to them and to the fabulous Supernatural fandom which has been the centre of so much of my geeky focus this year.
I must point out that it is being kindly modeled here by a friend who insisted that I clarify to you all in no uncertain terms that she has nothing to do with my insanity and fandom. Consider yourselves notified. :)
Hee! I was asked this a LOT over the weekend. :D
The flag. A creation of
eboniorchid as a fun take on the
Leather Pride flag. The conversation behind it is
here. "Insane Fen Posse" just refers to, y'know, a bunch of insane fen (plural of "fan").
Slash. To quote Wikipedia on the subject: "a genre of fan fiction dealing with homosexual relationships or sexual encounters
Yaoi. A genre of Japanese anime and manga (comic books) that focuses on male-male sexual relationships.
Fandom. A neologism combining "fan" (as in intense aficionado) and the suffix "-dom" (as in kingdom) to denote a community devoted to a particular area of appreciation.
Gay morse code porn. See,
missyjack wrote some porn about two guys from a Certain Show gettin' it on, but she wrote it in MORSE CODE. (You can see it
here. The link at the top of the entry is to a translator into which you can cut-and-paste it if you want to read it.) Writing it in morse code was so awesomely geeky I just fell in love in the spot and knew I HAD to share this with the world at Pride.
Then we have
the Dyke March and the Pride March (the latter of which includes an amusing Supernatural reference. Well, it amused me. :D).
My biggest concern about the weekend was having anyone to march with: we Gay Geeks are a notoriously introverted bunch, and I can't really blame people for preferring the quiet anonymity of watching or staying home to the often-overwhelming energy of participating in the Dyke March or the Pride Parade. On the other hand, I didn't really want to be marching on my own! On Saturday,
jaefru, SmilingIndigo and RockieSquirrel loyally lugged signs and held down a Monitor position - and then about ten other women showed up. By the time we were halfway through the march, we were joined by even more as women enthusiastically asked to march with our geeky selves. YAY!
Here we are walking down Yonge street. As you can see, the atmosphere is delightfully casual compared to the teeming hordes of Sunday's main event. It's much more grassroots consisting more of community groups largely undiluted by commercial interests. Among other things this means we don't need the barriers necessary to hold back the several hundred thousand attendees of Sunday's main parade, so people are free to join the march if they like. I love that open, participatory aspect of it.
The Pride Parade proper on Sunday, however, has some 5,000 participants alone - of whom ONLY SMILINGINDIGO AND I were planning to march as Gay Geeks. In front of several hundred thousand people. *sweats* We met at the staging area at 1 PM as instructed. The parade started at 2, and was so long our group didn't step off until 3:30. Mercifully the sun finally shaded the baking street about 2:45. Here we are waiting with the Random Queers (sitting on the curb). Apparently they stuck all the cool people at the back of the parade. *g*
Fortunately, because the wait was so long, Lectrixsola had enough time to march through the entire Parade with another contingent, sit down and relax for a minute, and then run back to the beginning to join us just as we were stepping off. We were also randomly joined by a British geek at the last possible second. So in total we were four. Down a lot from years past, but at least we weren't alone!
The Tara and Willow sign is a crowd favourite - you can see a couple of people cheering us in the back. :D
We had the BEST POSITION EVER this year (well, except for being at the end of the parade): we were right behind the ROTC, so we got kickass music and nonstop performance right in front of us. And my gleeful Supernatural realization was that one of the songs was Black Eyed Peas' Pump It, which I associate pretty much exclusively with that
hilarious towel-shot fan vid. So every time that song came on - and it came on A LOT - all I could think of was Sammy's famous pec twitch lovingly panned to that music. *dies laughing*
As it got hotter, though, the ladies in the ROTC took off their shirts. And sorry, but Sammy went straight (heh) out of my head. *happy sigh* Did I mention that I love Pride?
Our intrepid British companion had the misfortune of total shoe failure as we hit Yonge and Bloor - the top completely separated from the bottom - so despite our urgings she marched in one bare foot on scorching hot pavement all the way down to Gerrard - before it occurred to me that I could at least give her a sock. *facepalm* Dude, she was hardcore. We were in awe. As soon as the parade was over we rushed her to the side of the road, corraled some duct tape from our friendly neighbourhood Random Queers while she broke out her first aid kit, and then I worked some duct tape mojo so she could at least get home again.
And here are a few fun random things:
I love mah roasted Pride corn dipped in a VAT of butter. (And corn, heh:
Boku no Sexual Harrassment call-out, anyone?)
A sexual take on those old swing-the-hammer-and-ring-the-bell fair challenges: the thrust-o-meter!
This slogan made me giggle:
And while I saw many T-shirts I liked, these ones amused me so much I actually tried to take a picture of them while in the Parade. So they're a little hard to see, but they say "
Free Paris" and "
Feed Nicole." *snort*
And last but not least, my cracktastic Saturday evening at a women-only body painting party. (Don't worry, nothing too revealing under the cut.)
On Saturday evening I attended a black-light body painting party. It was a neat idea, and the atmosphere was evocative of
Burning Man, but unfortunately it was too sparsely attended to hit critical party mass. However, that didn't stop me from diving into the paints! :)=)
Firstly, of course, it's all about them...
(For the record, it is damn hard to paint words upsidedown on yourself. And I'm STILL trying to get red paint out of my belly button. :P)
But it is equally true that I am
(This one was with the kind help of SmilingIndigo. And for my real-life friends who may not know who Eric Kripe is, he's The Man (executive producer, writer, creative brain) behind Supernatural.)
and, of course, as a member in good standing of
OMFG I am also clearly the
(For those of you paying close attention, you can see the small football-shaped birthmark I
mentioned in the eight random things meme I did.)
I also took a stab at a Winchester rifle on my arm. It turned out sort of firey and flamey, which I quite liked.
And last but not least, we have the Metallicar painted across my heart! I'm linking this rather than posting this outright so as not to cause anyone unintended TMI since, of course, being across my heart it is also across my boobs. (Hey, it's the perfect location for a couple of wheels!) I still can't quite believe I'm posting this at all, but
what the hell. I discovered that painting a car (a) when you can't draw, let alone (b) on yourself (c) backwards in a mirror (d) particularly when you've forgotten your carefully-printed reference photo, is EFFING HARD. :P I gave up after a couple of stabs at the car windows.
Finally, in the vein of me being a gay geek and all, I leave you with
two female characters who have made me happy of late.
One is this poster for Pirates of the Carribean. Kickass sword-wielding Elizabeth. I get to see it every day on the way to work. *sighs happily*
Also, I stumbled across
this fan video of first and second-season Starbuck. This is for everyone who ever wonders what I see in her: here she is in all her cocky, cigar-smoking, ass-kicking, laughing-in-the-face-of-danger, fucked-up, vibrant glory. Please to be noting the pairing is "Kara/Awesomeness". Gah! Yes! I HEART THIS VIDEO SO MUCH. Sorry Dean, I love ya in a million different ways, but with Starbuck's exuberance and intensity in everything she does, watching her is like looking into the sun. (But don't worry: like I said, I do still love you too. :D)