Multi-Fandom Friending Meme!!

Jun 15, 2007 23:54

i did one of these in february - 717 comments and lots of friends!! fill out the answers as much or little; or as snarky or serious as you want, and meet new people. :D

who are you:
where are you:
age? (optional):
shows you watch that are currently on the air:
shows you watched that some channel was stupid and cancelled:
What are your other fandoms?:
Favorite actors/actresses?:
Favorite character(s)?:
favorite 'ships?:
What's in your LJ?:
spoilers ~ yea or nay?
do you read or write (or neither) fanfiction?
Anything else you want to say or post?

and feel free to plug and promote and pimp and spread the squee!

who are you: Trystan
where are you: State of insanity
age? (optional): 36
shows you watch that are currently on the air: Supernatural, 24, Lost, Rescue Me, The Ben & Claudia Show, the 4400, Monk, Law & Order (all three), Medium, Las Vegas,Nip/Tuck
shows you watched that some channel was stupid and cancelled: First Wave, Farscape, Firefly, Forever Knight, Crossing Jordan, and a TON more...i have a huge list in my sidebar
What are your other fandoms?: Harry Potter, Anita Blake, Merry Gentry, Dark Hunters
Favorite actors/actresses?: Jensen Ackles, Sebastian Spence, Ben Browder, Nathan Fillion, Josh Holloway, Geraint Wyn Davies, Pierce Brosnan
Favorite character(s)?: Dean Winchester, Jason Teague, John Crichton, Mal Reynolds, Sawyer, Cam Mitchell, Cade Foster, Nick Knight
favorite 'ships?: John/Aeryn, Jason/Lana, Joe/Allison, Wash/Zoe
What's in your LJ?: random stuff, fangirling over Jensen/Dean, random stuff, picspams, memes, chaos. my icons moved to trys_icons.
likes: most anything but my dislikes below
dislikes: Wincest; bashing; people who don't read
spoilers ~ yea or nay? maybe
do you read or write (or neither) fanfiction? read and write, gen and het. it's over at trys_writer.
Anything else you want to say or post? Jensen!!!


friending meme, livejournal

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