[Drabble] I Shall Not Tell A Soul

May 05, 2013 09:27

Title: I Shall Not Tell A Soul
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Dragon Age
Type: Video Games
Characters/Pairing: Alistair/f!Amell, Morrigan
Word Count: 729
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Morrigan knows Eleini's grand secret.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age nor the characters, just borrowing them from BioWare for a little while.
Author's Notes: The round has closed over at fan_flashworks.
Prompt: fan_flashworks : #23 - Secrets (Amnesty 7) / a_writing_muse : #8 - Writer's Choice ( Table 10-A)


Morrigan stood in the shadows of the hallway as Alistair exited the Warden’s room, tugging on his night shirt to fix it before using his hands to hastily tie the drawstrings of his loose trousers. The witch narrowed her eyes in curiosity, waiting for Alistair to continue on down the hallway toward his own chambers. She chuckled to herself, knowing that even if they were romantically involved, the Warden, for some reason or another, never let Alistair stay in the same room as her.

When he was clear she stepped toward the door to the Warden’s room and pushed the already slightly ajar door open with her foot, leaning on the frame as she did so, “Keeping secrets are we?” Morrigan said, staring at Eleini as she sat by the fire, half dressed in her nightgown, her face full of shame. The mage turned shocked eyes to her as she pushed off the wall and walked into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Eleini’s face slipped from shock to a guarded expression as she shifted toward Morrigan, pressing her hands to the cold bricks of the hearth, “What are you talking about?”

The apostate gave a light shrug, leaning back on her hands as she crossed her legs, “You are with child?” Her saffron gaze was even and aloof, “I saw you yakking in the courtyard bushes…” she twirled her finger in the air, “from the window of my room.”

The Warden’s expression fell as she glanced down to her hands, pulling them bac into her lap as she rubbed them together in uncertainty, “Morrigan…” she began, hesitant.

“Fret not,” the witch gave a simple laugh, “a secret as grand this, tis not mine to share.”

Nodding slowly, Eleini inhaled a shaky breath, “I did not think I could get pregnant.”

“Tis true then?” Morrigan leaned forward, resting her chin on her palm, staring evenly, before giving a shrug, “He is a man and you are a woman. These things do happen when you share a tryst in one’s tent.” Morrigan raised a slender brow, “Or is it someone else’s perhaps?”

Eleini shook her head, a hand going to her lower abdomen, where it was flat and lean, and soon would be bulging at the seams with life, “No, it’s Alistair’s.” She swallowed, before looking up at Morrigan, who watched her with a obvious curiosity, “Grey Wardens can not get pregnant… the taint kills the baby… before it can happen.”

Morrigan shrugged and leaned back using her hands to prop herself up, “You have hardly been a Grey Warden for a less than a year. I would assume the taint has yet to take hold in you to be that strong.” The witch stood quickly, startling Eleini as she walked toward her by the fire, sitting on the hearth alongside her, “At any costs, you are still with child.”

“Yes,” Eleini whimpered, feeling her at present unstable emotions boiling up, forming tears as a sob almost cracked her resolve.

Morrigan grabbed her hand, in a semblance of friendship she had ever shown her, the witch’s eyes were serious and for once, unguarded, “And there is a Blight that as a Grey Warden you must attend to.” Morrigan touched her cheek and lifted her chin up so that they could make eye contact, “Do you plan to go against this Archdemon pregnant and risk this unborn child in the process?”

Eleini released the sob that had been pent up, as she cried into her hands, Morrigan draped her arm over her shoulders, tugging her closer to her, “Think of this child. And what of that dullard Alistair?”

Eleini grabbed her hands, her voice frantic, “You must not tell him!” Morrigan eyed her curiously, making Eleini snarl in fear, “PROMISE ME!”

The witch stood, letting the Warden’s hands fall back to her lap as she stared up with an utmost panic. Morrigan shook her head head and walked toward the door, leaving Eleini in a wake of dread, eyes blank and staring. At the door, Morrigan paused, looking back at her, “Secrets are dangerous Eleini.”

Eleini felt the tears roll down her cheeks as she stared at her, Morrigan gripped the doorknob, “But I shall not tell a soul.”

She pulled the door closed, leaving Eleini in the wake of her terror and no outlet, but to weep.

Originally Posted to: fan_flashworks on April 30, 2013.

Cross Posted to: fan_flashworks, a_writing_muse

@ comm: a_writing_muse, fandom: dragon age origins, character: da: morrigan, type: drabble, character: da: f!amell, rating: g, genre: angst, warning: none, @ comm: fan_flashworks, length: 501 - 1000, style: established relationship, character: da: alistair theirin, media: fanfiction, pairing: da: alistair theirin/f!amell

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