[One-Shot] What We're Taught

May 05, 2013 09:32

Title: What We're Taught
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Dragon Age
Type: Video Games
Characters/Pairing: Alistair/f!Amell
Word Count: 681
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Alistair wants to make amends to Eleini.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age nor the characters, just borrowing them from BioWare for a little while.
Author's Notes: The round has closed over at fan_flashworks.
Prompt: fan_flashworks : #31 - Apology (Amnesty 7) / a_writing_muse : #9 - Writer's Choice ( Table 10-A)


Eleini started unbuttoning her robes that marked her as a mage. She inhaled sharply, the bruises that marred her body caused her to whimper in pain as it shot through her. She slipped out of the circle robes, intending to change into a light weight leather armor, just to allow her to blend in when they traveled. She slipped her leather tunic on, knowing that it would protect her better than her flimsy clothes, as well as make it less obvious that she was indeed a mage.

When she had dressed, she stared at the robes laying across the floor. With a sneer she summoned a ball of flame in her palm, eyes narrowed on the clothing that she had come to loathe. A knock sounded at her room door, distracting her from her musings. She didn’t answer, and when they were persistent, she extinguished the flame in her palm.

“Coming,” she called and headed to open it.

Alistair stood there, hand held up, as if he were about to knock again, Eleini gave him a squared look that make him chuckle in embarrassment, his hand slipping behind his head to rub at the back of his neck.

“Yes?” she finally said, when he just stood there.

Alistair cleared his throat and nodded to her room, “Is it okay if we talk for a bit?”

Eleini swallowed, looking behind her into the darkness of her room, before she shook her head, unsure of why she was saying no in the first place. Alistair’s kind smile faded, before he started rubbing at the back of his neck again, shifting his footing a little.

“Oh, then…” Alistair sighed and gave her an apologetic smile, “I just wanted to apologize, that’s all.”

“For what?” she raised a brow.

Alistair's brow furrowed as he glanced off to the side, “Eleini… you are always leading… making up for my short comings as a senior Warden.”

Eleini released a held breath, not use to being apologized to. She chuckled and reached out to touch his arm tenderly, causing him to meet her sincere emerald gaze, “I don’t mind, Alistair.”

“I cause you so many problems though…” he mumbled, looking away, a tinge of pink brightening his cheeks.

She rubbed her thumb over his skin, her smile growing more tender if possible, “There’s no need for an apology.”

He shook his head adamantly, pulling from her grasp and turning away, “All these decisions… I contradict you… yet I don’t even take the reigns…” he pressed his palm to his forehead in thought, shoving his fingers through his hair as he turned to glance at her, seeking pity.

Eleini stepped into the hallway, and touched his cheek, bringing his face toward hers, where she stared at him, her face composed, “We have to do what is necessary and not everything will be the moral choice. Duncan taught us to be pragmatic in situations so that we put the good of the country before meaningless quarrels.” She furrowed her brow, continuing to stare at him, “I don't mind taking the reigns, even if you are the senior Warden, we do what must be done, no matter who is making the decisions.”

With a terse exhale, Alistair nodded, glancing away as he stepped back from her touch once again, unsure of what he should exactly do. He nodded his head in thought before rubbing at the back of his neck once more, “I just wanted to apologize…”

Eleini nodded and crossed her arms over her chest, a sad smile forming on her lips, “I know… and it’s all right.”

He gave her a sweet smile, before shrugging and turning to walk back down the hall, where she knew his room was located at, effortlessly ending their brief conversation. Feeling her gut tight with unsteadiness, Eleini turned and went back into her room, her eyes catching sight of her robes still laying on the floor. Without a second thought, she picked them up and went to shove them into her pack that she traveled with, not feeling like disposing of them anymore.

Originally Posted to: fan_flashworks on April 30, 2013.

Cross Posted to: fan_flashworks, a_writing_muse

@ comm: a_writing_muse, fandom: dragon age origins, character: da: f!amell, type: one-shot, rating: g, warning: none, @ comm: fan_flashworks, length: 501 - 1000, style: pre-het, character: da: alistair theirin, media: fanfiction, genre: general, pairing: da: alistair theirin/f!amell

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