LAST UPDATED; 3:30 PM EST, 15 May 2011
Lolokay, this was updated a lot later than I had planned. We actually had to go home early yesterday, because it started to rain and they were closing down all the rides. So we got home at around 10 PM instead of midnight.
On the bright side, we won first place in the competition we entered!
But the reason why I didn't update as soon as I got home was because I was way too tired and I couldn't be motivated to do anything, much less browse through over a hundred messages in my inbox and updating the fills/request list. But now I'm ready to do just that, and we go!
Also, I'm going to add small little summaries of the new/updated fills so you actually know what it's about. I think that'll be helpful, aha.
New/Updated Fills [18]
Until the End [Parts
1-5/?] Chell/Human!Wheatley; Wheatley is turned into a human and Chell has to take care of him; Incomplete
[the precipice of sound] [Part 3; Parts
1-2;2] Chell/Human!GLaDOS; Human!GLaDOS and Chell go to a nightclub; Complete!
Bloody Massive [Part
2/?] Wheatley/Chell; Wheatley downloads himself into a gigantic experimental human body and decides to teach Chell a lesson; Incomplete
The Puppy [Parts
2-3/?] Gen; Atlas and P-body bother GLaDOS about getting them a puppy before she finally gives in; Incomplete
How to Make Lemonade [Parts
4-5/5] Cave/Caroline; Cave advertises his products while having sex; Complete!
Two of a Kind [Part
1/?] Gen(?); Wheatley meets another version of himself; Incomplete
Fill [Part
1/1] Onesided Rattman/Chell; Rattman sings to Chell while she's in stasis; Complete!
Chemicals React [Parts
1-4/?] I'm...not sure what this is yet, but it's a fill for the sex pollen prompt; Chell and Wheatley explore Aperture to find some...interesting things; Incomplete
Pain for Pleasure [Parts
15/?] Chell/Human!Wheatley; GLaDOS manages to turn Wheatley into a human and connects their pleasure/pain receptors so that if one is hurt, the other feels intense pleasure. Chell comes along, and GLaDOS does the same to her so that both Chell and Wheatley would be in intense pain while GLaDOS was in pleasure. But if Chell manages to pleasure both Wheatley and herself...; Incomplete (lol sorry for the huge description; I wasn't sure how to sum it up in just one sentence.)
Sweet Dreams [Parts
2-7/7] Onesided Rattman/Chell; Rattman visits Chell in stasis every single day with his own Companion Cube to talk to her, knowing that she can't reply; Complete!
Spaceosity! [Part
1/1] Space/Curiosity Core; Space and Curiosity are up in space and have a conversation...about space. Also, they talk about the lady from the test and Her; Complete!
Haze [Parts
2/2] Cave/Caroline; The 'Attraction Spray' does not do what it was meant to do, but what it DOES do is equally, if not more, as satisfying; Complete!
Dreams in Digital [Part
1/?] Chell/Wheatley(?); Wheatley goes into a dream-like state and is completely oblivious to the world around him. Even though it's his dream world, his 'YOU MUST MAKE HORRIBLE DECISIONS' part of him forces his dream world to become a literal nightmare in which he can not wake from; Incomplete
Off the Grid [Part
2/?] Chell/Wheatley; GLaDOS retrieves Wheatley from space to give back to Chell; however, he is blinded, and the only way to fix his optic is to travel down to the lower, dangerous parts of the facility; Incomplete
Intruders [Part
2/?] Rick/Chell/Wheatley; While trying to escape, Chell and Wheatley come across Rick, who immediately starts hitting on Chell. Chell takes him with them. Wheatley is not amused; Incomplete
Reanimating the Dead Maybe [Parts
1-2/?] GLaDOS/Robot!Chell; A year after GLaDOS releases her, Chell is killed. GLaDOS brings her back to a new body; Incomplete
. harder to breathe [Parts
5-6/?] Wheatley/Chell; Little snippets from when Chell first met Wheatley, from Wheatley's time as ruler of Aperture, from after Wheatley's fall from power, and everything in between; Incomplete (I couldn't think of another summary for this fill as I have absolutely no idea where it's going. It's really good though, and it deserves to be read. It's for the prompt requesting something about Wheatley's voice, though.)
Desperate Times... [Part
1/1] Somewhat GLaDOS/Chell; GLaDOS' insults finally gets to Chell, and she starts crying. GLaDOS awkwardly tries to comfort her; Complete!
Misfire Fills [1]
"Someone please do this. <3" Art Fills [1]
Wheatley's Hologram [[NSFW!]]
New Prompts/Requests [19]
GLaDOS/Animal KingMaybe they sing together?
Giant!Wheatley/Chell"Tiny little Wheatley" has always had a "tiny little problem" with being treated as insignificant, powerless, and stupid (even if he really was those things). When he inadvertently gains more power than he could ever have imagined existed, he is quite pleased with his new situation. But Chell? Chell doesn't seem to understand how insignificant SHE is now. At least it seems that way to him. Tired of her cheek and her sullen glares, he decides to put her in her place.
I don't even really know how to describe the rest in terms of plot, so I'll be blunt: He downloads himself into a gigantic experimental human body Aperture scrapped decades ago, lures Chell into the chamber housing it, and proceeds to SHOW her just how small she really is (about the size of his hand, by the by). After a brief chase around the room, he snatches her up and begins to educate her. (What this entails is up to you.)
GLaDOS/Wheatley FluffI don't think this has been requested before? I just want some adorable fluff between GLaDOS and Wheatley. Details are up to anon.
Chell/PoTaDOSBecause I had it in my head, and it wouldn't go away.
Evil!Wheatley/ChellEvil!WheatleyxChell. Wheatley discovers his new body has some...interesting appendages, which he uses to take full advantage of Chell.
And he never. Stops. Talking. Constantly talking about how wet she is, how he's making her feel that way, noting that she likes this and that, and how deep he is/will go.
Bonus points for DP.
Space Core/Curiosity CoreOkay, as soon as I saw Space Core, I needed this pairing in my life. So really? Anything featuring these two. Probably cracky fluff, but if you have another idea, go for it.
GLaDOS/Caroline and Chellgenfic only, please
Chell/WheatleySo it turns out that the flashlight isn't the only tool Wheatley has. He also has projection software that gives him the ability to create very simple holograms.
Why hasn't he ever used it before? Because the scientists told him that he'd die if he did. Obviously.
Eventually he decides to try it out with Chell. And what better image to project than one of a human man? Namely, the human he would look like if he was one. What you wanna do with this setup is largely at your own discretion, but if it starts leading to sexiness, what I'd love to see is Wheatley using it to arouse Chell in some form. Maybe he plays around a little with it and makes his human image masturbate, watches Chell get off to it, then derives his own pleasure from it. There's a lot of possibilities, so...just go crazy with it?
even if you want to make it gen instead of NC17, that's perfectly fine too. /hides
Wheatley/His own incompetenceWhen Wheatley was built, he was given a mode that generates an internal virtual reality inside his mind - kind of like a dream, but the parameters (if not the outcome of events, which are based on data) can be consciously controlled. It was intended as a kind of testing environment for calculating the results of his everyday tasks, but Wheatley can also use it to go into a virtual reality mode based on basically anything - even outright fantasy adventure, or deeply psychological video games. Wheatley can be anything - a sphere, a robot, a human, Chell, a crocodile, God.
So Wheatley has been drifting alone in space for a very, very long time, bored out of his mind and unable even to die, when finally he gives in. He decides to slip into a deep 'sleep' by disconnecting all of his external sensors, putting himself on low power, and then activating his virtual reality. He awakens into a mental fantasy world in which he can have pretty much his heart's desires - to apologise to Chell, to own the facility, to be a bikini babe in space, you name it. So long as they're what he desires, of course.
Unfortunately, being Wheatley, this turns out to be an extremely bad idea. Perhaps because, due to being made to generate 'bad ideas', his virtual reality sabotages anything that he does inside it to prevent him using it to come to useful decisions. Perhaps because Wheatley has a huge subconscious inferiority complex about his stupidity, which basically craves pain (and so the simulation, based on his desires, is more than willing to give that to him). Perhaps because, in his stupour, he has been sucked into the gravity well of a Sun and is unable to do anything about it. Perhaps all of these.
In short - Wheatley tries to send his consciousness to Robot Heaven but ends up in Robot Hell. And I will let you choose whether he can escape and return to 'life'.
Chell/WheatleySomething sweet and fluffy based on the song "I'll Cover You."
GLaDOS/ChellChell's boots fail her when she missteps and sprains her knee. GLaDOS surprises her with how caring she is while she recovers.
I don't know, what the hell am I thinking.
Rick/???My fellow perverts, please do me the favor of telling me the tale of how Rick the adventure sphere earned his black belt in the bedroom.
Human!Rick/ChellRick wants to show this beautiful lady he's a black belt
in the bedroom
Anyone/AnyoneI'm bothered by the lack of portals in the Portal kink meme. This needs remedying.
How many fandoms make it possible for sex THROUGH walls as opposed to up against them?
If you shoot two portals on the floor and have two people get at each other through them, does the gravitational force make it so that both of them are on top?
Just IMAGINE the new world of sex positions portals give us! GlaDOS would be proud of these new applications for portal science.
The pairings do not matter, anon. Heck, this could easily turn into an orgy. The point is: START THINKING WITH PORTALS.
Human!Wheatley/ChellWheatley feels really guilty about what he put Chell through when he took over the facility. So how does he make it up to her?
With the sweetest, fluffiest, gentlest sex he possibly can.
Cave/CarolineThe fact that Cave Johnson recently changed his middle name to Science? Total coincidence.
So, yeah. Marriage fic. Can be secretive, or public, or even one of just convenience. I just want married couple fic. :3
GLaDOS/Chellmaybe it'll happen because what ticked it is that she couldn't really figure how to solve a test chamber or maybe she fell on a bad angle on her feet but i just want chell being really frustrated from all of glados' fat and adopted jokes and just starting to cry silently in a corner of one of the test chambers
and than glados could parhaps be a bit taken aback at this reaction and trying to calm her down
or maybe just making more fun of her
choice is up to autor
Human!Wheatley/Human!Curiosity CoreSo, Wheatley gets put in a human male body, and Curiosity in a female one.
I'm imagining the most fluffy, innocence-filled, touchy-feely sexual exploration ever.
Also, a chance for Wheatley to feel smarter than he is, because he has an answer for every question Curiosity throws at him. So, probably the most talkative sex ever, as well.
What do you think?
Chell/AnyoneI don't care who (or what), but I want someone getting off on Chell making some sort of noise; whether she's chatty, talking, just a word, screaming, moaning, anything you like. Just go with it, Anon.