First quarter(ish) update

May 02, 2022 12:38

Considering that in January I said I was going to try to post more regularly this year, that doesn't seem to have worked out so well, because it's now May. Oops.

Anyway, just a quick update, and then I'll get on with posting some very late book reviews.

ramblings behind the cut )

random, life, ramblings

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Comments 9

telperion_15 May 2 2022, 15:21:23 UTC
Okay, that seems entirely pointless, to give you a pre-op assessment when the op isn't actually imminent, as things coild have obviously changed by the time the op does come around, so they'll presumably just have to give you another one *despairs*

We're still trying to wear masks as much as possible too, although we're definitely in the minority now... I will also admit that it's not much fun having to wear it for extended periods, as we had to do on the plane for our holiday last month. However, it's definitely the hardship that some people make it out to be!


deinonychus_1 May 13 2022, 15:04:16 UTC
I know, it does seem a bit ridiculous, and also gives people false expectations that the op is going to be happening fairly imminently. And then you're just left hanging.

Apparently the pre-op is valid for six months, so if I still haven't had the op by the middle of July they'll have to do the assesment all over again. It does seem a bit pointless, though, six months is a long time, and like you say, a lot can change in that time!


nietie May 2 2022, 18:18:21 UTC
How frustrating they can’t give you an op date or even a month.
Fingers crossed for you it will happen soon.


deinonychus_1 May 13 2022, 15:07:05 UTC
I'm just keeping everything crossed that this doesn't stop me going to La Palma in September. But people keep saying you're not supposed to fly within three months of surgery due to blood clots (or something) so if I still haven't had the op by the middle of June then it's going to turn into a logistical palaver :-(


nietie May 13 2022, 18:50:58 UTC
Aww, no. That would be terrible. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


honor_reid May 3 2022, 19:44:06 UTC
I'm sorry about the operation hopefully you will hear from them soon.

The exhibition sounds awesome. I'm so glad you got to see it!


deinonychus_1 May 13 2022, 15:12:40 UTC
The exhibition was amazing, I'm so glad I went, even if it did mean braving the wilds of London!

I bought the book that goes with the exhibition, which also look brilliant, so that might be turning up on my book bingo reading list at some point. It's a proper well researched book with loads of photos of objects from the exhibition, and even the paperback version is a fairly hefty tome, so it's definitely not just a cheap tie-in to flog more merchandise.


cordeliadelayne May 7 2022, 19:03:32 UTC
Sorry to hear you've still not got an op date sorted. Which hospital is it? Everyone I know who's gone into QMC for an op lately has come out with COVID so it may be for the best!

I'm glad you enjoyed the Stonehenge exhibit it does sound very good.

Good luck with the book reading!


deinonychus_1 May 13 2022, 15:25:05 UTC
I'd love to tell you which hospital, but I don't even know that either! The main gynaecology department is based at City Hospital, which is where I've always gone to see the consultant, but at the assessment (which was at QMC Treatment Centre) they said they also do some of the procedures at QMC, so it could be either, and I won't know until I finallly get the call/letter ( ... )


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