Episode review time again! I may need to consider using less screencaps, because they take so long, and without so many pictures this could have been ready to post yesterday. But there was so much pretty in this episode, I couldn't stop with the screencaps!
Anyway, review behind the cut. Spoilers for the series so far, obviously.
episode 2.3 - Telemon )
Comments 10
I did think Herc would hang onto his secret for longer than the very next scene...
Lol! Although I suppose we don't know how much time has passed since the end of the previous episode. Given that they have had time to clean up the post-battle mess in the city, and organise the coronation games, he might have been keeping the secret for days, maybe even a week or so, before Pythagoras wheedled it out of him. Not that it actually required a great deal of wheedling, once he started, though...
It would have been nice to see two honest-to-goodness nice guys both wanting to be with the Queen... I think that would have been more interesting then making Telemon a bad guy.
Yes, absolutely. Making him a bad guy is too easy and uncomplicated, both for the plot and for the audience. Having Ariadne make a genuine choice between two realistic alternatives is in many ways far more dramatic in terms of character/plot than a straight out fight between Jason and Telemon because Telemon turns out to be bad.
maybe that will lead into less of Jason being an asshat. Oh, don't even get me started on Jsson's behaviour this series. He's been pissing me off pretty much ever since that "I have a destiny" speech in ep 1! Right now, if he ( ... )
You have a point. It would be hard to go against someone who speaks for the gods.
I have been interested in what their religious structure is like because they have the Oracle but they also have priests and temples. (I have a plot bunny where Jason runs afoul of the religious heirarchy but I don't have enough info.)
Also something that totally has nothing to do with this post but whatever happened to Ariadne's brother? Couldn't he come back now? Or did I miss/forget something?
Yes! I had exactly the same thought myself. He is older and male, and therefore a far more obvious choice to take the throne than Ariadne. Perhaps he has gone into hiding and can't be found so he doesn't know their father is dead?
The city has been made to believe that he tried to kill Minos, but now that everyone knows Pasiphae is the enemy, there is no reason why Ariadne couldn't bring her brother back and simply make sure that everyone who matters understands that he was set up by Pasiphae and it was all lies. The people might take a while to come round, but it's not like they really get a say in who is king anyway.
I suspect the writers will conveniently forget that he exists, though, because it suits their plot to have Ariadne as queen.
Am I the only one then that thought Hercules could keep the secret at least for a while? ^_^
No matter how supposedly hot Telemon was (Black Leather Man was much hotter!) I didn't like him much from the beginning. and by the end I really hated him (he better not do anything to Pyth!).
The episode was better than I expected so I'm quite happy about that. Jason though, keeps being quite annoying and pouty because he can't marry Ariadne.
I really was worried for Pythagoras when he confronted Telemon. I thought Telemon might be the type who would remember that, and do something nasty to Pythagoras at a later time for daring to challenge him. I actually had a fic idea on that theme, but I have so many fics that I need to write at the moment it might have to get in the queue!
I enjoyed the epsiode far more than I expected to, considering it was an arena combat episode again. But yes, I do wish Jason would cheer up and stop being so sulky and moody all the time!
The domestic scenes! Aww, bless, I love it when they're being at home and doing random domestic stuff. It's a nice little hint of what their day to day lives are like when they aren't in the middle of some epic quest or adventure or peril. Plus it's usually quite adorable :-)
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