Episode Review 2.3 - Telemon

Dec 02, 2014 22:31

Episode review time again! I may need to consider using less screencaps, because they take so long, and without so many pictures this could have been ready to post yesterday. But there was so much pretty in this episode, I couldn't stop with the screencaps!

Anyway, review behind the cut. Spoilers for the series so far, obviously.

episode 2.3 - Telemon )

random, telemon, ramblings, pythagoras, heptarian, fandom: atlantis, squee, jason, picspam, discussion, tv, hercules

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honor_reid December 3 2014, 05:39:36 UTC
I am starting to lose hope. I was hoping that the trio would be more trio-y by now. I miss the camaraderie of the first season. I miss the interactions between Pythagoras and Jason. What’s up with the writers making us love Jason/Pythagoras and then making us go into withdrawals with absolutely no Jagoras interaction at all!

I do love that they are showing a lot of Hercules and Pythagoras but it does seem like they are separating the three of them. :(

I was honestly hoping for a rival for Ariadne's affections. It would have been nice to see two honest-to-goodness nice guys both wanting to be with the Queen. Then as they audience we would have been conflicted about who Ariadne should pick. I think that would have been more interesting then making Telemon a bad guy.

Telemon seemed very shifty from the get go so I am glad at least one of the guys caught on to that. I am a bit disappointed that Jason and Hercules had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the truth. Especially Jason, who was apparently blinded by his misery over Ariadne, but I am lukewarm at best about Ariadne/Jason so I am not very sympathetic towards Jason and his heartache. One nice thing was that he admitted he was wrong about Telemon maybe that will lead into less of Jason being an asshat.

But what I am most disappointed in is the big secret. Seriously how can Hercules and Pythagoras not see how this is going to blow up in their faces? I agree with you about hoping the writers do something original. Rather then just having Jason go off half-cocked after he finds out about the fact that everyone in Atlantis knew before he did. Honestly Hercules and Pythagoras should just tell him and trust that Jason will do the right thing.

And I really really don't want to see Jason go all "evil" just because he finds out Pasaphie is his mother. I mean seriously how would that even make sense at all. Knowing what we know about Jason and his sense of right and wrong. I am just not buying it. But then again we have a lot of season left, and they are making Jason harsher.

As negative as I sound I am still hopeful! It is still a great show and it will be interesting to see where this goes.

So I have rambled on quite a bit so I am going to stop now. :)


deinonychus_1 December 4 2014, 20:15:59 UTC
I really am quite worried that they have gone too far in the whole 'darker' tone, and got rid of so much of the heart of the show - the friendship between the three guys. Jason does seem to be pulling away from the others a little, but I really do think that is foreshadowing of later plot developments.

It would have been nice to see two honest-to-goodness nice guys both wanting to be with the Queen... I think that would have been more interesting then making Telemon a bad guy.

Yes, absolutely. Making him a bad guy is too easy and uncomplicated, both for the plot and for the audience. Having Ariadne make a genuine choice between two realistic alternatives is in many ways far more dramatic in terms of character/plot than a straight out fight between Jason and Telemon because Telemon turns out to be bad.

maybe that will lead into less of Jason being an asshat.

Oh, don't even get me started on Jsson's behaviour this series. He's been pissing me off pretty much ever since that "I have a destiny" speech in ep 1! Right now, if he carries on like this I'm actually *hoping* that one of the guys (probably Hercules) will just punch him in the face when he goes too far one day. Of course, if that ever does happen, then Jason will immediately take the moral high ground and be the one 'in the right', no matter how much of a dick he was being in the lead up to Hercules or Pythagoras standing up to him.

I *want* to like him, but right now the show is not making that easy. :-(

Re the secret, to be fair to both Hercules and Pythagoras, when each of them found out about who Jason was, their very first reaction was to tell Jason. It's only because of the Oracle's prophesy that it will all end badly if Jason knows the truth that they have agreed (unwillingly) to keep it secret.

I suppose from their point of view they live in a world where they have great respect and fear for the gods, and for people like the Oracle who have god-given abilities, so their reluctance to go against the Oracle's wishes is understandable. But I would like to see Hercules and Pythagoras discussing it between themselves a little more, and really arguing the options and the pros and cons of telling him or keeping it secret. At least that way, even if it does all go horribly wrong, we can see that they have genuinely made a decision based on what they believe to be the best course of action, rather than just because the Oracle told them to.

Oh, I think I've rambled as well now! But feel free to ramble away! I like it if these review posts generate a bit of discussion.


honor_reid December 6 2014, 05:14:24 UTC
I suppose from their point of view they live in a world where they have great respect and fear for the gods, and for people like the Oracle who have god-given abilities, so their reluctance to go against the Oracle's wishes is understandable.

You have a point. It would be hard to go against someone who speaks for the gods.

I have been interested in what their religious structure is like because they have the Oracle but they also have priests and temples. (I have a plot bunny where Jason runs afoul of the religious heirarchy but I don't have enough info.)

Also something that totally has nothing to do with this post but whatever happened to Ariadne's brother? Couldn't he come back now? Or did I miss/forget something?


deinonychus_1 December 6 2014, 12:00:42 UTC
whatever happened to Ariadne's brother? Couldn't he come back now?

Yes! I had exactly the same thought myself. He is older and male, and therefore a far more obvious choice to take the throne than Ariadne. Perhaps he has gone into hiding and can't be found so he doesn't know their father is dead?

The city has been made to believe that he tried to kill Minos, but now that everyone knows Pasiphae is the enemy, there is no reason why Ariadne couldn't bring her brother back and simply make sure that everyone who matters understands that he was set up by Pasiphae and it was all lies. The people might take a while to come round, but it's not like they really get a say in who is king anyway.

I suspect the writers will conveniently forget that he exists, though, because it suits their plot to have Ariadne as queen.


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