scene xxii

Oct 14, 2011 16:12

A) After waking up far too early, Charles has decided to make the most of his morning and capture some autumn scenery on canvas. He can be found in various areas of the park, painting everything from the pond to leaves on the sidewalk. He seems pretty focused on his work, but looks progressively more frustrated as time passes. Why? His ( Read more... )

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Comments 1224

it's the great pumpkin charlie brown is_an_island October 14 2011, 23:24:14 UTC
Hullo, there. Are you new here?


decadenzas October 14 2011, 23:35:28 UTC
What kind of question is that, you dolt? [the walking pumpkin sounds very agitated]


is_an_island October 14 2011, 23:40:01 UTC
Well, if you're new, then I could help you around this place.

It gets quite nasty this time of year.

And every time of year.


decadenzas October 14 2011, 23:41:40 UTC
You don't think I'm already well aware of that as someone who is clearly not new? Though we ought to be grateful nothing's happened yet, that business with Sergei was beyond irritating.


a hwamei October 15 2011, 00:48:37 UTC
[ Has been watching ever since she got her five minutes ago. Can see that he isn't the best... ]

... You can do it! [ claps!! go Charles go ]


decadenzas October 15 2011, 01:01:32 UTC
[oh, so nice Taiwan ;u;

but he does not look very grateful for the encouragement, looking over to her with his paint brush gripped so tightly it's starting to bend...] Thank you, I was completely unaware that I could actually accomplish anything.


hwamei October 15 2011, 01:39:19 UTC
Aww, it's okay, Charles. We all have artist's blocks sometimes, you know. Actually, I've been working on something myself, too, hehe, but it's not very good...

[ shows him this

... )


decadenzas October 15 2011, 01:51:23 UTC
[there is murder in his eyes why does this sort of thing always happen...]

You're right, it's not very good. Awful, in fact. Absolutely atrocious. I'll need to pluck out my eyes on the spot if I have to stare at it any longer.


all the Hetalians, apparently C gezellighe October 15 2011, 00:58:42 UTC
[Charles makes Netherlands look very cool and very tall, so it's this cool tallness that's watching him struggle with the pumpkin.

If he . . . stuck his foot out, just so--

Damn, no that's so immature. No foot, stay on the sidewalk.

He's just going to stand there awkwardly with his foot lifted a few inches off the cement.]


/gathers up every hetalian decadenzas October 15 2011, 01:09:25 UTC
[so cool and tall how can he continue living knowing he is so short in comparison...

no okay he doesn't care about height or size too often, except when he's in situations like this where he can't see where he's going or see Holland foot obstacles in time to hop over them

stumbles and oh no there goes his pumpkin, rolling down the sidewalk and knocking a small drone child off of his bike.] Damn-!


gezellighe October 15 2011, 01:32:46 UTC
[Wait he hadn't decided to trip Charles or not and--no who was he kidding that was pretty funny. He'll wince at the bike though; why does Charles seem to hate them so much.]


[Lighting a cigarette. . .]


decadenzas October 15 2011, 01:50:04 UTC
[bikes are just his natural enemy, it is the way of the world]

What the hell was that for? [gonna be super mature now and try to stomp on the offending foot...]


action C; breaks the nation combo cueballer October 15 2011, 02:51:10 UTC
[Scratch notices Charles having difficulties with the pumpkin, though he has to say he may be a bit hesitant. Last time he saw Charles was when he killed the boy and he has the feeling that the other may still possibly be sore about it.

...But, he does look like he is having trouble.]

Need a hand?


he blends in perfectly..... decadenzas October 15 2011, 03:19:45 UTC
[oh is he ever sore, he wasn't part of Charles and the Butthurtinskis for no reason! holding grudges is something he has down to an art, though the amount of time that has passed since he last saw Scratch has dampened his anger a fair bit.]

If you're offering your hand, I'd rather see it removed. [talking while trying to peer around a giant pumpkin is ruining all of the menace he's attempting to convey....]


first guardian is sort of like a personified nation!! cueballer October 15 2011, 03:44:48 UTC
It wouldn't be of much use to you or I if it was removed. You seem to have carried more than you can lift.


they can all be bestfrans and it will be glorious decadenzas October 15 2011, 03:54:15 UTC
Excuse you, I'm not having any trouble at all lifting it. [and he isn't! carrying it without dropping it and watching it bowl over an innocent drone child or two, on the other hand...]


A foretastes October 15 2011, 07:48:37 UTC
[a DELICIOUS big colorful blob.

Terezi appears out of nowhere and begins licking his canvas. at least someone appreciates his art!!]


decadenzas October 15 2011, 08:08:10 UTC
[this is exactly why no one in mayfield can have nice things

he recoils from both her and the canvas as fast as possible, knocking one of the paint jars over in the process]

You-! That paint is likely full of lead and now you're going to die and you deserve it for being so thoroughly disgusting.


foretastes October 15 2011, 08:16:27 UTC
[basically ignores everything he's saying.......] Dear Gog, Charles, this is so fucking delicious! You should have told me you were an artist!


decadenzas October 15 2011, 08:30:41 UTC
[o-oh, it's not like he's flattered or anything!! ...actually he's a little worried what it says about his art if Terezi likes it but a compliment is a compliment]

You never asked, and I don't paint often so it doesn't matter much either way.


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