scene xxii

Oct 14, 2011 16:12

A) After waking up far too early, Charles has decided to make the most of his morning and capture some autumn scenery on canvas. He can be found in various areas of the park, painting everything from the pond to leaves on the sidewalk. He seems pretty focused on his work, but looks progressively more frustrated as time passes. Why? His ( Read more... )

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all the Hetalians, apparently C gezellighe October 15 2011, 00:58:42 UTC
[Charles makes Netherlands look very cool and very tall, so it's this cool tallness that's watching him struggle with the pumpkin.

If he . . . stuck his foot out, just so--

Damn, no that's so immature. No foot, stay on the sidewalk.

He's just going to stand there awkwardly with his foot lifted a few inches off the cement.]


/gathers up every hetalian decadenzas October 15 2011, 01:09:25 UTC
[so cool and tall how can he continue living knowing he is so short in comparison...

no okay he doesn't care about height or size too often, except when he's in situations like this where he can't see where he's going or see Holland foot obstacles in time to hop over them

stumbles and oh no there goes his pumpkin, rolling down the sidewalk and knocking a small drone child off of his bike.] Damn-!


gezellighe October 15 2011, 01:32:46 UTC
[Wait he hadn't decided to trip Charles or not and--no who was he kidding that was pretty funny. He'll wince at the bike though; why does Charles seem to hate them so much.]


[Lighting a cigarette. . .]


decadenzas October 15 2011, 01:50:04 UTC
[bikes are just his natural enemy, it is the way of the world]

What the hell was that for? [gonna be super mature now and try to stomp on the offending foot...]


gezellighe October 15 2011, 01:52:59 UTC
I was just walking.

[He'll move that foot before it gets broken.]


decadenzas October 15 2011, 02:07:13 UTC
[oh, wise move, the sidewalk where his heel lands cracks a bit...]

You were just trying to kill me and waste all of the money I just spent on that pumpkin. [which is still rolling a bit but at least it hasn't rolled into the street!!]


gezellighe October 15 2011, 16:49:12 UTC
Don't make up stories.

[How immature, Charles. He'll turn to go now.]


decadenzas October 15 2011, 18:31:16 UTC
[so says the fully grown man who just tripped a kid!! he plants his hands against his hips, watching Holland turn with utter disdain]

You ought to go fetch it since you made me drop it.


gezellighe October 16 2011, 00:07:52 UTC
[He hadn't decided he was going to trip you, Charles. You just fell over his foot, gosh.

Holland stares at Charles over his shoulder for a long moment, then shrugs.]

You're the one with monster strength.


decadenzas October 16 2011, 00:18:47 UTC
[it is totally Holland's fault in his mind okay, one hundred percent...]

Are you saying you haven't the strength to lift a pumpkin?


gezellighe October 16 2011, 05:35:42 UTC
I'm saying I don't have the strength to lift that pumpkin.

[Now if there were a new bike involved. . .]


decadenzas October 16 2011, 05:49:44 UTC
It isn't a heavy pumpkin at all. Even you should have no problem lifting it. [A CHALLENGE no okay he doesn't really expect Holland to take the bait]


gezellighe October 16 2011, 16:01:15 UTC
What would you do for me if I did? Besides nothing.


decadenzas October 16 2011, 19:19:10 UTC
Nothing, of course, considering it's your fault I dropped it because you don't know how to walk without your feet getting in the way of every passerby.


gezellighe October 16 2011, 23:19:09 UTC
Have fun carrying it home.


decadenzas October 16 2011, 23:29:33 UTC
Are you still sore about your bicycle? [yes charles it is definitely that and not all of the grievous injury you've inflicted.]


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