scene xvii

Apr 26, 2011 13:16

[they say hindsight is 20/20 and now that he can look back on it, he sees that letting his guard down was a big mistake. a lot of good that does him now that Diva’s already been droned, which takes the situation from his hands entirely.

at least there’s the hope that it will be a short one; he’s not willing to accept that it might be permanent ( Read more... )

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Comments 773

C lotuslife April 26 2011, 20:21:53 UTC
[far away, there's the roar of a motorcycle, and as it gets closer it softens to a purr. a few minutes later, Vietnam appears, leather boots crunching the grass beneath her feet.]

...I've finally found you.

[ooc; ... he can injure her?!?! severity can be as bad as you want, even death. but yeah ;u;]


decadenzas April 26 2011, 20:29:39 UTC
[how could he injure her she is the only thing left here wow that is going to make for some stable interaction.....

he glances over at the sound of her footsteps, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth]

You were looking?


lotuslife April 26 2011, 20:31:55 UTC

...Mm. [a small nod. don't underestimate her ability to be a creepy stalker with tabs on Charles's life just as much as he creepily stalks hers. she already knows about Diva. she takes a seat on the bench next to him, and almost right away reaches out to rub uselessly at the blood on his shirt.] Are you full? We can go to my house, I'll wash this for you. [her voice is soft, cautious, and impossibly kind.]


decadenzas April 26 2011, 20:48:47 UTC
[he has an inkling she might know since he is pretty used to the breathing on his windows thing, but he certainly won't be the first to bring it up. while she's rubbing at the blood he looks off to one of the street lights thoughtfully.]

...No, not yet.

[but he knows this isn't the kind of thing that can be filled with blood alone]


C! vertulpen April 26 2011, 21:48:38 UTC
[Bike riding. Whether it was to relieve some boredom, escape from his drone wife for a bit, or just to gather his thoughts Netherlands enjoyed riding the bike he'd found in the garage. He'd taken some care to get it in good shape, even attaching some nice little reflectors to the front and back to make it safer in the evenings. Netherlands rode it to work, he rode it home, and more often than not he'd ride it in the afternoons or evenings to wherever he needed to go, and sometimes just because. He met more people when he rode the bike, and he'd need to do that if he ever wanted to get out of this place -- and he did very much.

So he'll just be cutting through the park at a medium-speed.]


decadenzas April 26 2011, 22:14:46 UTC
[it's not uncommon to see drones in the park at night, but the bike catches his attention and he leans forward in his seat a bit. it would certainly be a little more entertaining to chase down a bike than someone on foot, but at the last minute he decides against it and sinks back into a more comfortable position. as soon as Netherlands gets within earshot, however, he cups a hand round his mouth and calls out.]

You there!


vertulpen April 26 2011, 22:26:25 UTC
[. . . there was someone in the park? Probably not a drone; many tended to be inside once it got dark, and they didn't usually go out of their way to talk to strangers. The last time he stopped his bike in the dark he regretted it, but he'll slow enough to set his foot on the ground, not quite getting off.]

. . . Hallo?

[ooc: Incidentally, anything is fine.]


decadenzas April 26 2011, 22:47:57 UTC
[he'll probably wind up regretting it this time, too. charles has already noticed a distinct lack of drone qualities in this one, and the regular citizens have much nicer blood.]

Ah, pardon, I mistook you for someone I know. [not at all, really, but innocent conversation starters are always good for lowering guards]


B strike_you_out April 26 2011, 23:34:52 UTC
[From the roof of his house, Slugger has been watching as the lamps along the street go out one by one, but his interest isn't roused until he spots a familiar little monster as the culprit.

As Charles is preparing to remove the next bulb, he may soon feel as though he isn't alone. Slugger peers at him in curious silence from the base of the street lamp, having appeared just a brief moment ago.]



decadenzas April 26 2011, 23:56:28 UTC
[the events of the day haven't dulled his senses any and he pauses with his fingers by the light bulb to locate the source of his unease. he seems to relax a little when his gaze finally lands on Slugger, though. a familiar enough face.

he continues unscrewing the bulb, dropping it to the ground once it's out] Mind the glass.


strike_you_out April 27 2011, 01:02:26 UTC
[Slugger continues to watch as the light blinks out. And when the bulb falls, he steps aside just enough to take an idle, one-handed pop at it with his bat. It shatters on contact sending hot glass over the street.]

Starting a black-out?


decadenzas April 27 2011, 01:11:52 UTC
It would be nice if I could. [but just looking down the street tells him he has a fair way to go before he gets anywhere close to black-out levels.

after the glass shards scatter, he shifts to the other side of the lamp post and drops to the ground as well, careful not to step on any of the broken pieces.] The city would look nice without any lights, don't you think?


iflifehadaface April 26 2011, 23:52:34 UTC
[Have a hapless wit walking about the park. He should have been home sooner, but he honestly lost track of time.. What with being a sobbing mess and all of that. His head is too concerned with the ground beneath his fe-What the hell is that on the ground?! Is that.. Is that red stuff.. What he thinks it is?! Oh great. Thanks again, Mayfield! First he was dealing with a break up, than a weird awkward anime plot, now horror films?!]

((OOC: You're pretty much free reign for any injury, as long as you don't mind a struggle/tussle in return))


decadenzas April 27 2011, 00:07:35 UTC
[oh, another one on foot. someone should really tell the school children to get faster transportation if they plan on being out at night.

he waits a moment while the stranger inspects the ground, trying to decide whether or not this one is a drone before piping up.]

It's a little late for children to be out, is it not?


iflifehadaface April 27 2011, 21:24:19 UTC
[Scott looks around frantically in the darkness, before realizing the indirect insult that was sent his way.]

"Kid?! I'm 23!"


decadenzas April 27 2011, 22:09:37 UTC
[wh... out of everything, that's what he chose to get up in arms over? well whatever whatever, he can roll with it]

Twenty-three is still very young, you know. [says the kid who sounds about twelve]


C. coolbowtie April 27 2011, 00:40:07 UTC
Well, that's unpleasant.

[His tone is light, but there's a hint of seriousness behind it]

((ooc: injury is fine and death too, just no limb loss sob sob squick))


decadenzas April 27 2011, 00:56:17 UTC
[his tone is light in return, and he passes the back of his hand over his cheek to catch any stray smear of blood while speaking]

My table manners aren't quite up to par tonight, I'm afraid.


coolbowtie April 27 2011, 00:59:40 UTC
[flopping down beside him on the bench. If the blood unnerves him, he's not showing it]

I know, I'm surprised. Now everything you've told me about manners is in peril, I'm not sure I can trust your judgment.


decadenzas April 27 2011, 01:08:58 UTC
[that's a good thing since he might've just stepped in a bit! there's an awfully large pool of it under the bench]

You can, you can. My judgment is still quite good, I assure you. Next time I'll bring along an extra napkin.


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