scene xvii

Apr 26, 2011 13:16

[they say hindsight is 20/20 and now that he can look back on it, he sees that letting his guard down was a big mistake. a lot of good that does him now that Diva’s already been droned, which takes the situation from his hands entirely.

at least there’s the hope that it will be a short one; he’s not willing to accept that it might be permanent ( Read more... )

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iflifehadaface April 26 2011, 23:52:34 UTC
[Have a hapless wit walking about the park. He should have been home sooner, but he honestly lost track of time.. What with being a sobbing mess and all of that. His head is too concerned with the ground beneath his fe-What the hell is that on the ground?! Is that.. Is that red stuff.. What he thinks it is?! Oh great. Thanks again, Mayfield! First he was dealing with a break up, than a weird awkward anime plot, now horror films?!]

((OOC: You're pretty much free reign for any injury, as long as you don't mind a struggle/tussle in return))


decadenzas April 27 2011, 00:07:35 UTC
[oh, another one on foot. someone should really tell the school children to get faster transportation if they plan on being out at night.

he waits a moment while the stranger inspects the ground, trying to decide whether or not this one is a drone before piping up.]

It's a little late for children to be out, is it not?


iflifehadaface April 27 2011, 21:24:19 UTC
[Scott looks around frantically in the darkness, before realizing the indirect insult that was sent his way.]

"Kid?! I'm 23!"


decadenzas April 27 2011, 22:09:37 UTC
[wh... out of everything, that's what he chose to get up in arms over? well whatever whatever, he can roll with it]

Twenty-three is still very young, you know. [says the kid who sounds about twelve]


iflifehadaface April 27 2011, 22:14:27 UTC
"Yeah.. If you happen to be like.. 80! Where the heck is that voice coming from? And why the heck is there a river of blood here?! I didn't stumble into some sort of Final Fantasy Seven event, did I?"


decadenzas April 27 2011, 22:22:40 UTC
Don't be silly, one body doesn't have enough blood in it for a river. Two might do a better job of it, or three. I'm fresh out of drones, though.


iflifehadaface April 27 2011, 22:26:08 UTC
". . .

C-Come again? Ha ha.. It sounded like you were eluding to the fact..

. . .



decadenzas April 27 2011, 22:36:42 UTC
Well I'd hate to ruin your expectations. If you ask for a blood river, you should get one.


iflifehadaface April 27 2011, 22:43:58 UTC
"Actually I'm pretty good with my rivers! Yup! Satisfied! They're good as is!"

[He's backing away, back to the main path, bringing a hand up to the middle of his chest. If things get bad.., he thought, What should I do?]


decadenzas April 27 2011, 22:48:44 UTC
There aren't any rivers here, though. How can you be satisfied with them if there are none?

[did that voice come from just over his shoulder? why yes, yes it did!]


iflifehadaface April 27 2011, 22:56:42 UTC
[Scott turns around suddenly, clutching his chest with his fingers as he braved the unknown behind him!]

"Waaah! Th-there's a river of love flowing from my heart?!"


decadenzas April 27 2011, 23:23:20 UTC
[the unknown is only a rather short child who seems quite amused by that reaction]

Waxing poetic now, are we?


iflifehadaface April 28 2011, 03:28:15 UTC
"Waxing?! I'm not even a girl! I don't wax anything!"

[..What? Anyways, Scott was backing away from the small child, well award and experienced in the lesson that appearances could be deceiving.]

"Just stay where you are, kid! I.. I don't want to have to hurt you!"


decadenzas April 28 2011, 03:42:19 UTC
[what... oh, he laughs a little at that, how does he have the good fortune to keep coming across such hilarious people. for every step he takes back, in proper horror film fashion, he takes one forward]

How terribly kind of you to restrain yourself for my sake.


iflifehadaface April 28 2011, 19:57:22 UTC
"Hey! If some dude shows you the courtesy of not underestimating you, you should do the same!"

[Scott's fingers arch and bend, looking as if they were beginning to crawl into the fabric of his t-shirt.]

"Explain! Why the blood? Did you hurt some one?!"


decadenzas April 28 2011, 20:35:08 UTC
I ate someone, if that counts? It was quite quick, they might not have felt anything at all.

[there's an obviously feigned confusion to his tone, as though he had asked an honest question though he already knows the answer well] If I'm to give you the courtesy of not underestimating you, I do hope you live up to my expectations.


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