scene xvii

Apr 26, 2011 13:16

[they say hindsight is 20/20 and now that he can look back on it, he sees that letting his guard down was a big mistake. a lot of good that does him now that Diva’s already been droned, which takes the situation from his hands entirely.

at least there’s the hope that it will be a short one; he’s not willing to accept that it might be permanent because the idea of being left without her again is simply too difficult to swallow. if he treats it as something temporary then he can handle it, and Diva is still Diva even when droned which is enough to keep him busy until she returns.   a knight can’t just leave his queen to wander as she had been when he spotted her outside of the school, after all, and he’s still driven to keep her safe despite the ill feeling he gets when he looks at her.


A) having no idea how to handle Diva’s drone now that he has her, he’s taken to tugging her along with him while he runs errands. outside of the bakery, in the grocery store - he can be found just about anywhere, looking progressively more sickened by the drone’s confusion as he goes.

B) no light is safe today. after dropping Diva off at his house (read: locking her in the master bedroom), he has taken to the streets and is removing every light bulb he can find on public and private property alike.  though it was passed off as an April Fool’s joke, he isn’t willing to take the generator lightly.

C) the park can be unsettling at night, as anyone walking through it now may find. stretching from the sidewalk to the bench Charles is perched on is a messy trail that shines red under light, and his normally spotless shirt bears quite a stain as well.  it’s been a long day, you know, and even monsters feel stress. call it comfort eating.]
[ooc; if you choose option C there is a chance your character could be injured, so please leave a line noting if you’re cool with it and how severe of an injury you’re okay with. thanks!]
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