scene xvi

Mar 31, 2011 12:42

[between the attack on the dairy, Vietnam’s droning, and the ensuing confusion, Charles has made himself scarce. seclusion can be a blessing and he’s taken full advantage of that, rarely leaving his bedroom for a while. in fact, he doesn’t seem to exit the house at all, save a short trip to the park to talk with Lucy and an hour during the night in which he leaves and returns in silence, his worn face and still-damp cheeks the only hint as to where he had gone.

by the morning, however, he seems relatively composed - in a good mood, even!  he's smiling more than he has in a while at least, and smiling is always a good sign, right?

having decided to poke around the post-milkman town a bit more, he can be found:

A) peering into the giant crater where the dairy once stood. his expression shifts from bland curiosity to irritation to frustration; he can’t quite decide how to feel about these new developments. occasionally he’ll pick up a bit of rubble or rock nearby and chuck it into the crater, leaning forward to try to catch any noise it might make on its way down


B) perched on a particularly large bit of ruined milk mech, taking a break from his investigation. he’s absentmindedly toying with a piece of burnt metal from the wreckage and muttering something to himself. if you walk closer you’ll find it sounds like a measured recitation - those familiar with Shakespeare will recognise it as Hamlet’s soliloquy.]
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