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Comments 15

deborahw37 March 2 2015, 22:26:02 UTC
I could cheerfully kick Tim and Claire's ankles!


debris4spike March 3 2015, 08:26:38 UTC
LOL ... my friend from Church was nowhere near as polite when she heard.


kudagirl March 2 2015, 23:51:07 UTC
I know you love your family, but do either of your brothers realize you are totally overwhelmed? They need to help out a bit more. Maybe take a weekend over so you can have sometime to rest? You won't be doing yourself or your parents any good if you tire yourself out so very much.

Anyways...massive hugs. I have no room to talk since I was the same way with my mom. I just hate you are so overworked and stressed out.


debris4spike March 3 2015, 08:30:12 UTC
It's hard, as you know, but has to be done. They know I am in a heap but they have "busy" lives .... can't even find time to pick up the phone most of the time .... that is one thing that really does annoy me.

How are things with you? Sending you a huge hug.


kudagirl March 3 2015, 13:59:39 UTC
Busy lives is no excuse. It's a cop out. Your life is just as busy and they need to help you. This is the same excuse my mom use to give my brother. He has a family, he has a job, which meant he is a man so it isn't his problem to be there for her. Why do you have to carry the weight while they get to slide? Your time is just as important as theirs. Nope, not letting that be an excuse. Your parent raised all of you. All of you should be involved in caring for them now.

This form of thinking and justifying is common. My family did it to me. Tommy's family does it to him. And Robert's family does the same. Robert and I pulled away from our families to ease it. Now Mary is taking over Robert's life and shoving me out the door. Robert is wrapped up in love and can't see it right now. I am afraid he will trap himself in this and be too honorable to walk away when it finally realizes it. That is what happened to me with my husband. I just took the abuse and stayed. I don't want that for Robert, but it's his choice.


slaymesoftly March 3 2015, 00:25:22 UTC
This is really a bit much. I think you seriously need to talk to your (brother?) and make some plans that don't include you not having a life.


debris4spike March 3 2015, 08:35:05 UTC
Yes, my baby brother ... he is so "busy" that he can't often pick up the phone. So although he knows he presumes me not being able to work means I have the time ... however many times I have told him to the contrary.

It is good to have good friends .... even if they are countries away!


kazzy_cee March 3 2015, 08:22:16 UTC
You really need a home help to come in. Please say you will do that despite your parent's objections - it would help everyone. Running yourself into the ground is not helping anyone and Claire and Tim need to know that.


debris4spike March 3 2015, 08:44:21 UTC
Unfortunately I have recently realized that most of the things I do can't be done by outside help ... specific cleaning, mum's meal requirements, etc. The hardest thing is her loss of memory and confusion. That is just repetitive, 24 hours a day.

Tim is one of those people who is very busy at work, so he is "resting" when home ... but it truly annoys me that he is even to busy to phone.

Still LJ friends are really a super help. So glad of that


ayinhara March 3 2015, 14:06:52 UTC
Like everyone else I think that you must insist that your brothers do more to help your parents. Even if they are legitimately busy, they still should do more to help.

Lots of hugs from afar.


debris4spike March 17 2015, 20:27:19 UTC
Now I am in a routine, life is easier ... asking for help is impossible, but I now feel a lot better about things.

Thanks for the support ... it is this that is really helping me on the bad days


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