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Comments 8

penguinsuzie August 29 2015, 23:34:40 UTC
It's interesting how much the authorial intent in the books twist things ( ... )


sweettalkeress August 30 2015, 02:29:01 UTC
"I personally really dislike the way absolutely everything about Snape is supposed to revolve around Lily"

I know, it's completely ridiculous, unrealistic, and lazy. And it makes it too easy for people who want to find fault with Snape to insist that look, he was a horrible obsessive stalker all along who never cared about Harry!

But of course, in Rowlingland, Gryffindor is inherently the house of virtue and Slytherin is inherently the house of awfulness, so the only way Snape could possibly have any good qualities or impulses is if he were granted the attentions of a superior Gryffindor.


aikaterini August 30 2015, 14:56:25 UTC
/I really wish there'd been at least a few scenes that made it seem like Lily and Severus were actually real friends ( ... )


penguinsuzie August 30 2015, 17:05:08 UTC
In DH or in the previous books? Because there was no indication in OotP that Lily and Severus were ever friends at all.

I meant in DH, but even that wouldn't make sense on it's own because of what we saw in SWM. It's seems like JK was trying to retcon it in the last book and it doesn't really make sense.


Doe Patronus jana_ch August 30 2015, 02:38:23 UTC
My Patronus has nothing to do with Lily! It’s always been a doe, and it always will be a doe, and I’m virtually certain it always would have been a doe, Lily or no Lily!

Among deer it is the female alone who cares for and protects the young. Despite the heraldric meaning of the stag (not to mention what you see in ‘Bambi’), male deer take no interest at all in fawns, and they protect females only to the extent of keeping other males away from their harems during mating season. Otherwise it’s Bros before Does, and fawns don’t appear on the radar at all. A doe is therefore an excellent symbolic animal for Severus Snape, Protector of Children. Lily doesn’t need to enter into it.


Re: Doe Patronus sweettalkeress August 30 2015, 14:39:49 UTC
Yeah, that was even my thought. When you put it that way it does seem almost too perfect, doesn't it? Much better than relating the doe to Lily and implying that she has no identity outside of her stag husband.


aikaterini August 30 2015, 15:21:54 UTC
/Lily: Petunia, look at meeee! [Jumps off the swing and lands with perfect grace ( ... )


sunnyskywalker August 30 2015, 18:27:13 UTC
No, really, Lily, did you ever bother to ask *what* James saved Snape from? Wouldn’t that be one of the first questions you'd ask him?

This tells me that either (a) she thinks she already knows, and whatever partial truth she knows was spun to put Snape in the worst possible light and James in the best, or (b) Dumbledore really does have an anti-curiosity charm or potion he uses whenever convenient.

And James bullied your best friend and hexed other people for years. And, unlike Snape, we don’t see him apologize to them. And yet that doesn’t make you cut *him* out of your life.That. I mean, I do understand Lily not feeling like she can trust Sev anymore if she thinks that's how he feels deep down, that she's an exception, one of the "good ones," and that he'll revoke her "pass" when under stress or unhappy with her. She doesn't handle the scene by the lake well at all, but I'm willing to cut them both a little slack for being teenagers in difficult situations handling things extremely poorly. Also, maybe she just doesn't like him ( ... )


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