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aikaterini August 30 2015, 15:21:54 UTC
/Lily: Petunia, look at meeee! [Jumps off the swing and lands with perfect grace]/

But somehow she can’t just jump out the window with Harry and land safely outside when Voldemort shows up.

/I’d rather be dead than in any House but Gryffindor!/

PS/SS!Draco: I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been - imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?

/Lily: A bad man?! Didn’t he save your life?!/

From what?

No, really, Lily, did you ever bother to ask *what* James saved Snape from? Wouldn’t that be one of the first questions you'd ask him? And she doesn’t even tell Snape what James told her. For all we know, James told her that he saved Snape from drowning in the lake.

/Lily: But you called me a bad name!/

And James bullied your best friend and hexed other people for years. And, unlike Snape, we don’t see him apologize to them. And yet that doesn’t make you cut *him* out of your life.

/Dumbledore: Well what does this have to do with me?/

Dumbledore: Because, you know, it’s not like James and Lily work for me in the Order or anything. It’s not like they’re my responsibility.

/Dumbledore: Really? I don’t see why not./

*sighs* Neither do some HP fans.

/Do you honestly think she would want him to just give up and die now!?/

Well, apparently, the Lily that came out of the Resurrection Stone did.

/I think I’ll improve upon it by just tearing off the part with the other two./

Snape: And thus give evidence to my critics’ claims that the only reason why I left Voldemort was because of Lily and that Dumbledore was right that I was really only trying to save her and not her husband and son too.


sunnyskywalker August 30 2015, 18:27:13 UTC
No, really, Lily, did you ever bother to ask *what* James saved Snape from? Wouldn’t that be one of the first questions you'd ask him?

This tells me that either (a) she thinks she already knows, and whatever partial truth she knows was spun to put Snape in the worst possible light and James in the best, or (b) Dumbledore really does have an anti-curiosity charm or potion he uses whenever convenient.

And James bullied your best friend and hexed other people for years. And, unlike Snape, we don’t see him apologize to them. And yet that doesn’t make you cut *him* out of your life.

That. I mean, I do understand Lily not feeling like she can trust Sev anymore if she thinks that's how he feels deep down, that she's an exception, one of the "good ones," and that he'll revoke her "pass" when under stress or unhappy with her. She doesn't handle the scene by the lake well at all, but I'm willing to cut them both a little slack for being teenagers in difficult situations handling things extremely poorly. Also, maybe she just doesn't like him that much anymore for reasons unrelated to Gryffindor vs. Slytherin and DE-suspicions, and using this as an excuse is also not handling things super-well, but I think we have all screwed up ending youthful friendships gracefully.

The thing that gets me is that she forgives James for everything she's seen him do, after a mere year of him pretending like he doesn't hex people for fun anymore. So, cruelty and bullying are forgivable so long as they aren't directed at her personally? And aren't labeled "Dark"? I think I would find it awfully hard to forgive someone who had knowingly tormented my best friend in public to get my attention, even if I did fall out with that friend. Especially if he did that right after supposedly "proving" his nobility by saving my friend's life in mysterious circumstances--what, is he trying to demonstrate that he decides whether my friend lives or dies? WTF is this dude's problem?

It was never a choice between Severus or James. She could have ditched them both and stayed single, or gone out with Dirk Cresswell or some other guy we've never heard of. (Or her friend Mary, for that matter.) She could have met a nice Muggle. She could have started up an interspecies relationship with a goblin. There were tons of other possibilities, so why James? He must have laid on his supposed change of heart pretty damn thick. (And we know it was at least partly fake, since he continued hexing Severus and hid it from Lily. And kept up the monthly romps in the woods that nearly got innocent Hogsmeade villagers ripped to shreds, which aspect he probably never mentioned either. And left that Muggle policeman to the tender mercies of either Death Eaters or Ministry Obliviators or both.)


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