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Comments 9

treenahasthaal May 15 2011, 07:32:25 UTC
I miss 10.....

That's not to say that I dislike Matt. I liked him from the moment he ate fish fingers and custard - just not as much as I liked David Tennant.

I really enjoyed this episode. I liked we got some backstory for the "borrowing" of the TARDIS! : ) I liked the angst (but then I like any kind of angst!), however, I didn't like the throw away line when the Dr states that a Time Lord (male) and been a woman a couple of times. That sets us up for a regeneration into a woman (it's been suggested a few times) and I'm sorry I just don't think a woman in the role would work. Other's might think it's a good idea, but the Dr's sexy and I could never fancy a woman .. lol...

ps: love how the TARDIS thought her name was Sexy! lol....

edit: I'll have to get me a couple Dr Who icons. All I have is Lukey, and a couple of Jack Harkness ones...


deaka May 15 2011, 12:15:20 UTC
Ha, yes, I think that regeneration bit is going to throw fandom in a spin. I could see it, maybe, but I doubt it would ever happen. That said, Joanna Lumley made a decent (if very brief) Doctor in The Curse of Fatal Death... *g*

That bit was fantastic, especially the Doctor's guilty little, "Only when we're alone!" Epic LOL.

I went and hunted this one down a couple of weeks ago because I only had a couple of Ten ones. The TARDIS fits all occasions!


lotusflower85 May 15 2011, 09:42:04 UTC
I loved it. I totally agree with you re: Matt Smith - for such a young actor, he just plays age so well, and not just the fuddy-duddy old man jokes, but as you say, the weariness and grief.

I'm getting sick of Dead!Rory as well - how many times can we watch Amy freak out over his dead body? I don't really think the HATE AMY KILL AMY etc really fit his character at all, even for a mind screw - although I did like the reference to him waiting 2000 years - it just went overboard from that though.

I mean, there's using Rory-dies-again as a running gag and then there's just lazy writing. And I love Gaiman, so...


deaka May 15 2011, 12:35:08 UTC
He manages to layer so much into these small moments. It's really amazing.

*nod* It's like sci-fi series feel the need to have this character who is continually 'dead' and then brought back, but somehow the writers don't realise they're cheapening it every time. Give the poor guy something else to do! He got a little bit of medical assistance in this week, at least. And that was sort of my feeling about the RAR KILL stuff, too. If it was all in Amy's head, meaning she's got some guilt there or something to explain it, okay, but it was sort of too ambiguous to tell...

It sort of seems to be the go-to filler for the writers at this stage. "Oh, we've got a bit of a gap here." "Just kill Rory and bring him back, that should do." "But... the characters are just standing around the TARDIS console." "Oh good, haven't killed him there yet." :p


lotusflower85 May 15 2011, 13:35:36 UTC
lol - I wouldn't be surprised.

I can see the point about Amy's guilt manifesting in those sequences, but yes, it was ambiguous and while I can absolutely see her fears being along the lines of 1. Rory freaking out 2. Rory being bitter and angry and 3. Rory dying I would actually like to see some acknowledgement of that which, imo, would really help Amy's character development - how does she really feel about him waiting for her all that time? Because even if the nature of the hallucinations were influenced by the House, imagining that your husband will go crazy and want to kill you if you leave him is not the sign of a healthy relationship.

Of course, this could all be in the works of being dealt with in future episodes but I won't hold my breath :P


deaka May 15 2011, 14:01:11 UTC
Yes, all of this! You've pretty much read my mind. *g*

(Have to admit, that's actually been a bit of a concern, that Amy seems to be getting less to do this season, but all of the episodes have been so packed that it's hard to judge fairly. I just hope we're not going to end up with the pregnancy thing overtaking everything else in her character. Science fiction doesn't have the best track run when it comes to these things...)


gabri_jade May 18 2011, 08:31:39 UTC
LMAO at the "sucks to be Rory" tag. :P ( ... )


deaka May 18 2011, 11:08:11 UTC
Seeing the Doctor and the TARDIS interact was amazing! He was so excited at being able to talk to her, and it just about killed me at the end how distraught he was to lose that tangible link. Matt Smith is amazing beyond words at selling those moments ( ... )


gabri_jade June 9 2011, 05:47:20 UTC
I do love Matt Smith. :D

Oh no, I didn't mean you were implying it was a fault of Amy's, nor would a preexisting psychological weakness be a fault. Sorry if it came off that way. I just mean that that scene really freaked me out, and I don't have any of the issues that Amy has, so I can see how it would have been an effective weapon-scenario no matter what, and probably all the more effective on Amy.

Posting under mild sedation sounds tremendously amusing to me. :P Hope you're feeling better! *hugs*

Oh, Rory. Such a good guy, yet sentenced to numerous deaths. :P


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