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gabri_jade May 18 2011, 08:31:39 UTC
LMAO at the "sucks to be Rory" tag. :P

I just saw this episode - yeah, I know; been busy this week - and although I loved it, I don't think I have anything insightful to say. Matt Smith is far, far too good at playing ancient than anyone his age has a right to be, and I thought the actress who played Idris!Tardis was just brilliant, honestly. And yes, Amy didn't have a great deal to do, and yes, they do kill Rory off with dismaying regularity, but seeing the Doctor and the TARDIS interact more than made up for it, IMO. That could totally be me; I could see that. But I just absolutely loved seeing them together.

And I may be easily shaken (this is very likely, I admit), but the dead Rory with the hate/kill graffiti scared me too much to really analyze it. It could indeed be stuff in Amy's head, but it could be House just whipping up any old scary scenario to mess with her, too. Seriously, to see your husband not only dead but long since tortured to insanity and dying hating you? Can't be too many worse things than that - especially if that husband's already made incomprehensible sacrifices on your behalf; there'd be a huge added sense of personal failure in letting that happen to him - and I don't think anyone needs a preexisting psychological weakness to be horrified by having it suddenly shoved in their face.

However, I completely agree that some more insight into just how Amy handles Rory's two-thousand-year wait would be an excellent story direction, that having this pregnancy overshadow anything else she does this season would be a stupid shame, and that Rory needs to stop dying. (Or at least put him in a red shirt in wry acknowledgement of the phenomenon or something. :P )


deaka May 18 2011, 11:08:11 UTC
Seeing the Doctor and the TARDIS interact was amazing! He was so excited at being able to talk to her, and it just about killed me at the end how distraught he was to lose that tangible link. Matt Smith is amazing beyond words at selling those moments.

No, that's perfectly fair -- it was a really unsettling scene. My response was kind of "What? Rory would never do that" and then Rory appeared and said what he said about it messing with their heads and it made a bit more sense. Though I was still left wondering exactly how it was doing so and such forth, but then it's like, shut up and watch the damn show already, brain. :p Definitely wasn't saying it was a fault of Amy's or that it reflected badly on her or anything.

(Erm, I hope this makes some manner of sense. Had a (minor, planned) hospital thing yesterday and sedatives take forever to wear off for me and I'm still a bit like, "LA, LOOK AT ALL THE PERFECT SENSE I AM MAKING" and everyone else is like "..." so just ignore me if it's nonsense. :P)

LOL, yes, Rory pretty well qualifies for a red shirt at this point, poor guy.

ETA: ... I knew what I meant. *facepalm*


gabri_jade June 9 2011, 05:47:20 UTC
I do love Matt Smith. :D

Oh no, I didn't mean you were implying it was a fault of Amy's, nor would a preexisting psychological weakness be a fault. Sorry if it came off that way. I just mean that that scene really freaked me out, and I don't have any of the issues that Amy has, so I can see how it would have been an effective weapon-scenario no matter what, and probably all the more effective on Amy.

Posting under mild sedation sounds tremendously amusing to me. :P Hope you're feeling better! *hugs*

Oh, Rory. Such a good guy, yet sentenced to numerous deaths. :P


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