The Doctor's Wife (Or: the OTP we've all suspected)

May 15, 2011 13:37

Okay, so that was good. The TARDIS and Eleven getting in some Time Lord Angst and Ten's console room and all of the interaction between Idris!TARDIS and the Doctor. (LOLOLOL at her first response to seeing him, with the biting and all. And the fact he hides.)

Tiny bit meh on the Amy and Rory stuff, particular the random mind screw with the dead Rory (AGAIN. At this rate he'll be dead more times than Harry Kim just in this series alone) bringing the Amy hate but that could just be my Gaiman wariness at work.

How amazing is Matt Smith, though? The way he plays the anger and the grief at having hope dangled in front of him and then removed, that line about forgiveness, the sadness and the loneliness as she's returning to her normal form. He plays age and burden and grief with this kind of quiet weariness that's just perfect.

(Must say though, the old console room made me a little nostalgic for Ten's days of flinging himself around the controls. Though Eleven gets in some joyous flinging himself, later. Could you imagine the epic angst storm, though, had it been Ten in that situation, thinking he'd found living Time Lords, gaining the TARDIS and losing her? Oy.)

sucks to be rory, doctor who, tv

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