Give me back my pants. >[

Sep 18, 2010 14:55

[WHO] escapedpandora and anyone else near his cell.
[WHERE] Facility cells
[WHEN] Day 22 when he first wakes up again
[STYLE] Prose
[RATING] PG-13 depending on other people's language?
No, seriously, guys. Pants. Important. )

[dmc] vergil, [ffxiii] hope estheim, [dmc] nero, [ffxiii] vanille dia oerba

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Comments 44

intotheinferno September 18 2010, 22:16:14 UTC
Vergil sat in the corner of his cell, on top of the mattress, his head against the cold wall. His eyes were closed, his arms crossed over his chest. This situation was something new to him. He had no minded the entire thing when it was just him in the wild, fighting off the zombies, he was use to worse.

The fact that Yamato had not been with him when he entered this new world, or that now he was locked up, well that made the situation completely different.

He scratched at the back of his hand idly for a moment. The bandage that had covered whatever had happened to him was on the floor. He knew his powers were gone for the time being, he had tried to use his summon swords several times to try and break out but nothing seemed to work.

The gears in his mind still continued to turn and plot what his next move would be. Now if only he could get that child to be quiet.


escapedpandora September 18 2010, 22:28:53 UTC
No, it wasn't just the shouting, but now Hope was banging around on the walls, determined to find maybe a weak spot. It wasn't likely, but it was better than just doing nothing.


intotheinferno September 18 2010, 22:34:35 UTC
Atleast he wasn't wasting his energy on the pointless efforts of banging his way out.

"Perhaps if you ask nicely they will let you out." His word dripping with sarcasm. His eyes finally opened and moved toward the vent shaft above his head. He could see the glare of the camera on him. How dare these humans even think about keeping him here.

He would find a way out.


escapedpandora September 18 2010, 22:44:31 UTC
Wait, was that a person?

He's glancing up at the ceiling now, eying the vents curiously.

"Is someone there?" He's a bit quieter this time, uncertain about who could be talking to him.


lacqualia September 18 2010, 22:17:30 UTC
She didn't want to believe, why couldn't it be a dream? Maybe if she closed her eyes, everything would go away. If she opened them, she'd be with everyone again on Gran Pulse...Fang, Sazh, Hope, everyone...

Curled up into a ball, she just waited for a sign that it was all gone; the warmth of the sun beating down on her face, or the cool breeze brushing the smells of the forest into her nose. A distant voice echoed into her cell, that familiar panicked tone.

Her head popped up, gaze reflected upon the empty cell with much disappointment. Slowly she crawled to the door, knees wobbling. Settled back down, she pokes her finger at the little slot to see into hallway.

"Hope!? Is that you?"


escapedpandora September 18 2010, 22:26:38 UTC

Hope leaned heavier against the door, feeling both relieved and a little panicked that Vanille was also there. What was going on?

"Are you okay?" He was feeling along the walls until he got to that slot, and tried to peer out, at the same time as trying to keep the... thing that passed as clothing decent. He flushed as he thought about the camera in his room. This was ridiculous. "Where are you?"


lacqualia September 18 2010, 22:35:22 UTC
"Mhm, I'm fine!" She hadn't even noticed the camera, security probably has a nice little peek at her backside. The view of the hallway was severely limited, aside from the door across from hers, she couldn't see much of anything else. Her face pressed to one side, she could barely catch the lid of Hope's door lift.

"Over here!" Her voice now was just over a whisper. Being loud probably wasn't in their best interest at the moment.


escapedpandora September 18 2010, 22:49:56 UTC
He could barely see outside, but managed to scan the hallways best he could... it didn't look like there was anyone patrolling or anything, that could be a good sign. Still, he let out a breath of relief when he caught a glimpse of her.

"What happened?" He swallowed his extremely dry through, resisting the urge to rub at an inch on the back of his neck. "How did we get here?"


gunsandswords September 18 2010, 22:42:46 UTC
Since the same instant that he had woken up, Nero had been pounding the door to what appeared to be his cell mercilessly with that arm of his. The fact that it was exposed to the world bothered him. He had gotten over the original shock of having had his clothing stripped and changed from his person without knowing, but was feeling paranoid at these motives.

Where the hell was everyone and why the hell had he been treated like some animal. At certain hard punch with his Devil Bringer, he stared at the hand for a few moments. It had stopped glowing for some reason, he wasn't causing the damage he tended to cause. Had something happened? It couldn't necessarily break he knew that. His thoughts were interrupted by a shout next door ( ... )


escapedpandora September 18 2010, 22:54:35 UTC
Hope looked up from the door nervously, but after a moment of deliberation, approached the wall as well. How many people were here?

"I'm okay, I think." His neck just felt funny. And he wasn't very happy about not having his clothes. He never really thought about how much he normally wore until now.

He pressed a bare hand (he never noticed how much he missed his gloves before) hesitantly against the wall and crouched down. "What happened? I just... there were these soldiers, and..." He swallowed nervously. "I don't know what's going on."


gunsandswords September 18 2010, 23:31:50 UTC
Who ever this stranger was on the other side of the wall, they sounded incredibly young to Nero. It was almost disheartening, his Devil Bringer balled up into a fist as the red nails scraped along the surface of the wall. As angry as Nero could get, he didn't like seeing kids getting hurt. He could almost hear Kyrie's long lectures on child abuse in his head.


"It's okay, I-I don't know where we are but we're fine." He assured him trying to believe his own words. He didn't like lying, it was one of the reasons he never bothered and stayed bad at it. "You hurt in some way?"

The first thing he had done after figuring out he was practically naked underneath this damned robe was make sure he wasn't missing anything. There was only something fishy going on with his normal hand. It felt sore as if something had been inserted in there. As long as that was all that was wrong, he could live with it.


escapedpandora September 18 2010, 23:44:05 UTC
He shook his head, but then winced at the slight sting from the back of his neck. "I don't think so."

He rubbed at the back of his neck, though, unused to not wearing his scarf. Or not having his gloves. This... first thing if (when) he got out, he was going to look for his clothes again. Scarf, gloves, shoes... pants.

He pressed against the wall again, feeling exposed and alone, despite knowing that there were people around him.

"I'm Hope." He offered, quieter now.


in which i edit a million times because i'm retarded doktorhomicide September 19 2010, 16:37:43 UTC
Well, that was a voice Medic actually recognized. Although he was not one to comfort people, it did sound like a child. He could not hold the child's fear against him. It was rather strange to be in this place. Pair that up with his fractured wrist (which they had been kind enough to sling and cast) and the band-aid on the disabled hand (what they hell had they done there?), and Medic was not incredibly happy about the situation.

"Calm down, child, zhere really is no reason to be shouting."


XD escapedpandora September 19 2010, 18:33:20 UTC
Hearing the familiar voice, Hope backed up from the door and stared up to the ceiling where the vent was. Was it the research doctor? The glint of the camera stilled his questions, though, making him wonder if those watching them could hear them as well. He pursed his lips, and then backed away a little, making sure to turn his back to the camera before talking, hoping that those who caught him wasn't listening in.



doktorhomicide September 19 2010, 19:01:18 UTC
"Ja, it is me. I see zat I am not zuh only one to be captured." The most frustrating part was the fact that he couldn't think of a reason why they were captured. From what he had heard over the broadcasts here and there, there had been no sudden uprising. No ELVIRA soldiers struck down by the people who had been trapped here in the first place.

There was also a scientific angle (perhaps capture people who had been exposed to the viral landscape long enough). That didn't seem to fit quite right, either. Some people who had arrived had only been exposed to the hazardous creatures for less that a week.

"Ah you alright, boy? Besides zuh fact zat ve ah now trapped like animals?"


escapedpandora September 19 2010, 19:15:08 UTC
"I'm okay, I think." There was just that ache in the back of his neck that he wasn't sure he wanted to think about just yet. "Are you okay, though?"

There was little he could do in the cell, but at least he could try and figure out who was around and maybe... somehow, he'd be able to figure out how everyone could escape if they worked together.

...If everyone wanted to escape. While they were being locked up, at the very least, they didn't have to face the Infected at every turn while in here.


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