Give me back my pants. >[

Sep 18, 2010 14:55

[WHO] escapedpandora and anyone else near his cell.
[WHERE] Facility cells
[WHEN] Day 22 when he first wakes up again
[STYLE] Prose
[RATING] PG-13 depending on other people's language?
No, seriously, guys. Pants. Important. )

[dmc] vergil, [ffxiii] hope estheim, [dmc] nero, [ffxiii] vanille dia oerba

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in which i edit a million times because i'm retarded doktorhomicide September 19 2010, 16:37:43 UTC
Well, that was a voice Medic actually recognized. Although he was not one to comfort people, it did sound like a child. He could not hold the child's fear against him. It was rather strange to be in this place. Pair that up with his fractured wrist (which they had been kind enough to sling and cast) and the band-aid on the disabled hand (what they hell had they done there?), and Medic was not incredibly happy about the situation.

"Calm down, child, zhere really is no reason to be shouting."


XD escapedpandora September 19 2010, 18:33:20 UTC
Hearing the familiar voice, Hope backed up from the door and stared up to the ceiling where the vent was. Was it the research doctor? The glint of the camera stilled his questions, though, making him wonder if those watching them could hear them as well. He pursed his lips, and then backed away a little, making sure to turn his back to the camera before talking, hoping that those who caught him wasn't listening in.



doktorhomicide September 19 2010, 19:01:18 UTC
"Ja, it is me. I see zat I am not zuh only one to be captured." The most frustrating part was the fact that he couldn't think of a reason why they were captured. From what he had heard over the broadcasts here and there, there had been no sudden uprising. No ELVIRA soldiers struck down by the people who had been trapped here in the first place.

There was also a scientific angle (perhaps capture people who had been exposed to the viral landscape long enough). That didn't seem to fit quite right, either. Some people who had arrived had only been exposed to the hazardous creatures for less that a week.

"Ah you alright, boy? Besides zuh fact zat ve ah now trapped like animals?"


escapedpandora September 19 2010, 19:15:08 UTC
"I'm okay, I think." There was just that ache in the back of his neck that he wasn't sure he wanted to think about just yet. "Are you okay, though?"

There was little he could do in the cell, but at least he could try and figure out who was around and maybe... somehow, he'd be able to figure out how everyone could escape if they worked together.

...If everyone wanted to escape. While they were being locked up, at the very least, they didn't have to face the Infected at every turn while in here.


doktorhomicide September 19 2010, 19:23:43 UTC
"I am as fine as I can be. Zhis place vas at least courteous enough to take care of meine vrist." Besides the whole being trapped thing, he really couldn't complain. So far, they had not yet done anything life-altering to him, and they didn't seem to be forcing any of them into forced manual labor.

Nothing like the concentration camps he had been privy to in the World War.

"Did you, by chance, vake up vith a bandage on your hand? I did not hurt it before, und now zhere is a very dull ache to it."


escapedpandora September 19 2010, 19:48:31 UTC
On the back of his hand? He blinked, but then thought about it.

"I... I have one of the back of my neck." He admitted, feeling his heart beating fast at the admission. What had the soldiers done to them? It... he had enough of being changed against his will!


doktorhomicide September 19 2010, 22:52:26 UTC
Odd, indeed. So this wasn't an isolated incident. Medic thought hard on why the both of them would one, be trapped in the same location, and two, have the same wounds on them. He could draw no matching conclusions. He had never even seen the boy in person. Therefore, there were about as different as could be.

"Have you heard of anyone else talking about such a zhing? I fear zhis may lead to some very bad news. Not zat ve didn't already have enough."


escapedpandora September 20 2010, 00:14:17 UTC
"I... know there are a lot of other people trapped here? I don't know if other people have it, too. It just..." His voice trails off as he tries to think it over without the overhanging panic in his mind. There had been a bump on his neck, but he had tried to brush the thought aside as a mosquito bite or something...


doktorhomicide September 20 2010, 01:15:00 UTC
"Ve should ask anyone zat can hear us. If they did somezhing to us, I vould like to figure out vat, exactly, it could be. It could very vell hindah us if any of us tries to escape." Medic wanted to cover all angles before he thought of any escape plans. The next logical step would be to figure out where they put his things. He had been a soldier at one time, and could put up a decent fight with his fists, but really, it'd be much easier to escape with a giant saw in your hand.


escapedpandora September 20 2010, 01:34:56 UTC
He nods absently to himself. That seemed like a good plan, especially if ElVira really had done something to them that they didn't know about. He didn't want anything done to him... especially if it was going to interfere with his brand.

"I think everyone here was just put here today." He said, but then glanced up at the camera. "...And I'd say that we should work together to escape, but I think they're listening to us, too."

It was pretty clear who they were.


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