[ Day 11 ] Evening

Aug 07, 2010 13:40

[The walkie talkie crackles to life and the sounds of a person on the verge of tears and trying to catch her breath at the same time sound over the channel.]

I-I really think that you can stop joking around now, senpai! I don't know how you pulled it off but the zombies aren't funny, okay? I don't want to know what it's like to live in a horror ( Read more... )

[sh3] heather mason, [dw] nagi (owl), [ab!] hideki hinata, [ab!] yui, [i am legend] robert neville, (radio)

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Comments 76

rollthecredits August 7 2010, 23:47:40 UTC
It's not a joke. Believe me, the punchline would be awful.


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 05:55:53 UTC
Are you sure? Because I know plenty of people who tell horrible jokes.


rollthecredits August 9 2010, 05:06:52 UTC
[that earns a 'heh'.] Nope. And it's not going to get any funnier over time, either.


germansuplexed August 9 2010, 05:44:48 UTC
Terrific. First I die, then I end up at the Battlegrounds and I was supposed to be in the afterlife by now!

Instead I end up living a horror movie!


notursalvation August 8 2010, 00:59:39 UTC
[Have a weird electronic voice talking to you, Yui. :|b]

Unfortunately, it seems that we're stuck here. Are you safe, at least?


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 05:57:04 UTC
[Yui does kinda jump at the voice but it doesn't sound like what zombie would sound like. Can zombies even talk? No, it has to be more like a groan or a moan, right? Better double check, just in case.]

You're not a zombie are you?


notursalvation August 8 2010, 18:23:13 UTC
[There's a brief surprised silence, then he chuckles.]

No. No, I'm still alive and human.


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 19:15:27 UTC
[There's a sigh of relief on the other end.]

Oh thank, god! I was going to pee buckets for a minute there. [She pauses and tenses up again.]

But why do you have the funny voice?


cantcatch4shit August 8 2010, 05:14:08 UTC
[Oh, he knows that high-pitched voice anywhere. What more, it's someone he knows.]

Yui?! Is that really you?


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 06:13:02 UTC
[Yui almost drops the walkie talkie in surprise. That voice!]

S-senpai!? [The walkie talkie lets out a loud screech and she winces but she's frantically pressing buttons at this point. A familiar voice! Someone she knows in this place!] Can you hear me?


cantcatch4shit August 8 2010, 06:42:03 UTC
[He waits for a reply. There's nothing at first and then finally some static. However, he doesn't hear Yui's reply at all.]

Yui, if you can hear me, stay away from the zombies. Try to find something to defend yourself with.


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 06:59:43 UTC
[After more button mashing and a bit more useless pleas into the radio, Yui figures that something obviously must be wrong with the conncection. Hinata's voice crackles through though and she nods even though he obviously can't see her or hear her.]

Oooo! I can't believe I end up dead in one place and probably goner in another.

[Everything starts to get to her at this point. The zombies that tried to eat her were bad enough, but throw in the fact that possibly the one person she knows in this world and she can't talk to him. So because nobody can hear this...have more button mashing and raging into the radio.]

AUGH! Dumb radio! Why. Won't. You. Work?!?!


itselegant August 8 2010, 19:08:24 UTC
Hey, you alright?


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 19:20:02 UTC
[Don't mind Yui if the voice is still a bit muffled. Her face is kind of on the floor and she's kind of just muttering to herself.]

This is some sick joke of God's right?


itselegant August 8 2010, 19:26:20 UTC
[sob. don't get him started on God.]

I don't know about that. Do you need help?


germansuplexed August 8 2010, 20:01:26 UTC
That would be nice.

But first, can you tell me if this is the after life? Cause zombies is not what I imagined heaven would be like.


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