PoC focal Alternate History recommendations

Aug 31, 2008 14:56

'eyos and 'ellos towards one and all,

Been talkin alternate history to some folx online over the weekend. And in the my mind I've reviewed all the alternate history works I've read, came across and heard about. Now this, if you understand, can be rather funny given that much of the genre's material feels like a short playlist on repeat.

But certainly there's more to the genre, right? )

books, readings, reading list, booklist

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Comments 27

delux_vivens August 31 2008, 22:20:47 UTC
Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo (poc author)


delux_vivens August 31 2008, 22:21:25 UTC
also, didnt william sanders just have ww3 with a bunch of people in scifi writing lately?


8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 00:38:34 UTC
Yes. Yes he did...


8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 20:47:27 UTC
Oh google, why must you laugh at me when I search and lead me full circle?


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8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 00:53:47 UTC
Short story actually. Might've read it out of Analog or some alternate history collection. It's his only piece of work I've read but I rather liked it--a quick combat tale starring a couple o' nineteenth century historical Natives cast as inter-tribal fighter pilots. Gives a different perspective to tomahawk missiles as result. *grin*


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8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 03:32:51 UTC
The Imaro and Dossouye stories are in the same vein as Conan, in how their universe is set up but I'm not honestly sure if that would be alternate history myself. =/


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8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 20:39:45 UTC
Hey, at least you tried and you recommending Saunder, which is a win-win in my book. =p


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8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 03:36:36 UTC
I vaguely recall the reviews of the trilogy from scifi weekly but the lead I was never certain of but guessed he was either Ottoman, North African or Middle Eastern. The other alt hist series you referring to I know nothing of, sadly, and wish I did.


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8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 20:38:00 UTC
Heh, gotta love royal intrigue and politics.


alias_sqbr September 1 2008, 01:44:26 UTC
This certainly isn't a recomendation, but there's Pastwatch by Orson Scott Card: the moral is basically that european domination of the world is bad, but south american domination would be even worse, and the perfect scenario is one where everyone converts to christianity and becomes BFF. (As with the Alvin Maker series (another alternate history of America of his), I think the wierd attitudes the church of jesus christ and the latter day saints has to the indiginous peoples of America come into play)


8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 03:57:17 UTC
LOL WUT *headdesk*

Nice non-recommendation but thanks for letting me, and others, know it exists. Card really is a card *smh*


alias_sqbr September 1 2008, 04:53:39 UTC
The annoying thing is that he asks some interesting questions: Could a slight change in history have prevented european dominance, and what would that world look like? Given complete knowledge of history and advanced technology, what could a time traveler do to stop the world getting as screwed up as it is?

The problem is just his answers.. :/


8mph_ansible September 1 2008, 20:36:43 UTC
The problem is just his answers.. :/

Very much so. And yet I'm often intrigued by this continued thought that if an [Native] American group becomes a larger regional, continental and/or global power then it is likely Central or South American and is either the Azteca or the Inka. And in most scenarios it plays on an ugly feeling of "Woe! Human sacrifices abound! The horror THE HORROR! D=" tone.


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