PoC focal Alternate History recommendations

Aug 31, 2008 14:56

'eyos and 'ellos towards one and all,

Been talkin alternate history to some folx online over the weekend. And in the my mind I've reviewed all the alternate history works I've read, came across and heard about. Now this, if you understand, can be rather funny given that much of the genre's material feels like a short playlist on repeat.

Well, while I recalling all my alternate history shenanigans and forays, I managed to sussy on out books and short stories around a particular subject: alternate history works where the world is [strongly?] shaped by PoC and, where possible, revolves around them rather than some white lead who black holes the entire story towards them being relateable and having to deal with these weird exotic people.

And sadly, from the the list I've started out, the pickings feel slim--very slim upon skimming the complied list of all alternate history works at Uchronia.net--on both subject matter and leads.

But anyways, here's the list and I'm hoping that some of you out there can help add to it. Maybe there's more out there. And if you want a recap of what each work is about, just ask. =)
---- ----

"Ink from the New Moon" by A. A. Attanasio ---- (white author) (Chinese male lead)
Lion's Blood by Steven Barnes ---- (PoC author) (Black male lead, white male secondary)
Zulu Heart by Steven Barnes ---- (PoC author) (Black male lead, white male secondary)
Noughts and Crosses by Marjorie Blackman ---- (PoC author) (Black female lead)
"The Round-Eyed Barbarians" by L. Sprague de Camp ---- (white author) (Chinese male lead)
When Gravity Fails by George Alec Effinger ---- (white author) (North African male lead)
A Fire in the Sun by George Alec Effinger ---- (white author) (North African male lead)
The Exile Kiss by George Alec Effinger ---- (white author) (North African male lead)
Budayeen Nights by George Alec Effinger ---- (white author) (North African male lead)
"Aztec Century" by Christopher Evans ---- (white author) (white female lead)
Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo ---- (PoC author) (white female lead)
Atomik Aztex by Sesshu Foster ---- (PoC author) (Aztec/Chicano lead)
Pashazade: The First Arabesk by Jon Courtenay Grimwood ---- (white author)(PoC male lead)
Effendi: The Second Arabesk by Jon Courtenay Grimwood ---- (white author)(PoC male lead)
Felaheen: The Third Arabesk by Jon Courtenay Grimwood ---- (white author)(PoC male lead)
China Mountain Zhang by Maureen F. McHugh ---- (white female author)(Chinese male lead, Chinese female secondary)
"Red Alert" by Jerry Oltion ---- (white author) (Native [American] male lead)
The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson ---- (white author) (various PoC leads of both genders)
The Gate of Worlds by Robert Silverberg ---- (white author) (white male lead)
Journey to Fusang by William Sanders ---- (PoC author) (white male lead)
"The Undiscovered" by William Sanders ---- (PoC author) (white male lead)
Zeitgeist by Bruce Sterling ---- (white author)(PoC male lead)

Edity Edit: from commentators painted in bold.

books, readings, reading list, booklist

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