Having the guys over... [Jim, Bones, Chris, Zach, Karl]

Dec 18, 2010 16:32

Bones had gotten up early that morning, butterflies in his stomach as he left a sleepy Jim in bed, wrapped up in sheets and pillows. But a mug of strong coffee on the porch and the beautiful Risan sunrise wasn't enough to settle the thoughts in his head. He couldn't have explained why he was nervous at the idea of showing off his home to the Chris ( Read more... )

karl urban, shore leave, jim..., zach quinto, fun tiems, risa, chris pine

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Comments 74

kirktastic December 19 2010, 00:18:52 UTC
It was a huge plate of fresh stuff. Jim wasn't sure if they were vegetable, fruit, or 'other', but the store was 100% sure all of it was edible by humans so Jim figured what the hell. It all smelled and tasted pretty damn good, as far as he was concerned. "Bones, you have to come try this blue thing. It's really sour then BAM, it's salty and tastes sort of like a raspberry margarita!"


dctr_mccoy December 19 2010, 01:00:10 UTC
Standing slow and stretching, Bones heading inside to see what Jim was up to. He looked like a kid in a candy store, surrounded by his veggie/fruit platters.

Taking a step toward Jim, he looked suspiciously at the blue thing.


kirktastic December 19 2010, 01:05:55 UTC
"Don't be such a baby, just try it." Jim held it out to Bones, giving him a look.


dctr_mccoy December 19 2010, 01:35:00 UTC
Bones took it, sniffed it, and then put it in his mouth. Chewing slowly, he nodded at Jim. "It's good," he admitted after a moment. "And don't look at me like that," he said, leaning in and kissing Jim's forehead.


erudite_actor December 19 2010, 03:00:35 UTC
Chris slowed the car just a little as he headed back down the coast, following the directions he'd programmed into the navigation device. He'd felt the need this morning to get out and clear his head, arranging a car rental with the hotel concierge. It had been surprisingly easy, and before too many minutes had passed he'd found himself behind the wheel of the sleek convertible, carefully maneuvering it out of town. The roads were good and the sights were invariably stunning, so he'd passed the morning exploring.

The drive had done him good and he'd enjoyed the chance to see a little more of this place. By the time he turned off the road at the beach cottage, he was more than ready to enjoy the afternoon... and whatever came after.


kirktastic December 19 2010, 03:15:44 UTC
Jim caught sight of a car pulling up. This is it. Someone else knows where it is, now. There was a twist in his stomach at the idea, but he shoved it down hard and went outside. He spotted Chris climbing out and gave a lazy wave. "Hey, Chris!" he called out, smiling a little.


dctr_mccoy December 19 2010, 03:28:57 UTC
Bones turned his head as he heard the car coming. Going to stand behind Jim, he snaked a hand around his waist, feeling strangely domestic as he gave a little squeeze for luck.

"Glad you could make it," he called out as Chris approached.


erudite_actor December 19 2010, 03:35:25 UTC
He reached back into the car, grabbing his things before shutting the door. Chris had thrown a few things in a backpack this morning before leaving, swim trunks and a change of clothes, and the notebook he'd picked up a few days ago. Throwing the pack over his shoulder and picking up the case of beer he'd purchased on the way, he spotted the two of them and waved as he walked toward the house.

It was beautiful - clean lines and simple decoration, with the beach stretching out between it and the ocean. Chris whistled under his breath as he approached, taking it all in. "Hey," he replied, grinning at Jim, who looked like he'd been living on the beach since they arrived, already with a pretty decent tan.

Turning to smile at Bones, he indicated the case of beer in his hands. "I know you didn't say to bring anything but ourselves, but since it's a party, I thought why not. Supposedly this is a pretty good local brew - safe for humans, too," he added with a crooked grin.


sassyspock December 19 2010, 16:04:20 UTC
Zach only managed to get lost once, and that was because he missed the turn onto the road that wasn't a road that supposedly Kirk and McCoy lived on. He turned around and came back to it, looking at the sandy track that must have been it, because the navigational unit kept telling him it was. The car, not just any car but a hovering one, turned smoothly and floated over the sand until when he came around a curve and there was a house there with people on the back porch.

It looked like a piece of paradise out of any travel brochure and twice as real. Zach gave a little whistle of appreciation and turned around to look at Noah. "I think this is it."


noah_q December 19 2010, 16:15:31 UTC
Noah jumped out of the car as soon as the door opened, and didn't wait for Zach before he headed for the beach.



sassyspock December 19 2010, 16:18:23 UTC
"N-Noah!" Zach called out, slumping a little. "I hope there's nothing that's going to hurt him." He looked over towards the house and called out, "is he safe running around out on the beach?"


dctr_mccoy December 19 2010, 16:25:11 UTC
"Should be safe, just a little wet," Bones called out as he headed toward their newest guest. "Welcome, he said, holding out his hand. "Glad you could make it."

Zach was the one he knew the least, and the one that didn't have a double here with them today. "See, that's what this place needed," he laughed. "A dog."

One day...


geekiwi December 20 2010, 02:28:11 UTC
Karl missed the turn-off to Kirk and Bones' place. He turned around, and managed to miss it again. And a third time. It may have been on purpose that last time, on account of the fact that he fucking loved his futuristic spoke-less rental motorcycle (which his wife would not let him have at home because she thought he would crash and crack his head open...) so much, he couldn't resist another little whip down the empty beach-side road.

Eventually he did arrive, though, wind-ruffled and the wheels kicking up sand like crazy, but in one piece. He parked next to Chris and Zach's rental cars and dug out the bakery box he'd brought, and jogged toward the inviting little beach house, waving at the guys on the porch.


dctr_mccoy December 20 2010, 02:34:24 UTC
Great. Another cycle.

Bones waved Karl toward them, standing to go greet their final guest. "Howya doing?" he asked, extending one hand toward his otherself and taking the box with the other.

He sighed at the cycle. "Jim's gonna want to ride that later." And race, most likely but that went unsaid. Bones wondered if he should just pull out the regen units now.


geekiwi December 20 2010, 02:46:28 UTC
"Hey, guys," Karl greeted them all with a grin, and Bones with a clap on the shoulder. "Sorry I'm late, I brought cupcakes. Hope they're not all smashed up. It's a pretty smooth ride, though," he added, with a fond look over his shoulder at the bike, "so they should be okay."


erudite_actor December 20 2010, 03:29:11 UTC
"Looks like we're all here," Chris observed, bouncing up excitedly from his seat in the living room. He looked past Karl as he walked out to greet him, staring at the bike parked next to the other cars. "Hey, that looks like the one from the movie." He shouldn't be surprised, remembering Karl's longing gazes at the one on set. Chris had offered him a ride, at which point they had been reminded pointedly that the cycle would be returned to the props department immediately after shooting.

"And you brought sweets. Excellent." He looked around at all of them with a broad smile. "This is really great. Thanks for inviting us," he added to Jim and Bones.


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