Here Comes the Snow

Jan 11, 2019 22:32

Woke up around 11 AM, went back to sleep, and woke up around 1. Feeling really groggy. Decided to not go to the new gym today. I think that I need to rest up and get rid of whatever has been making me not feel well this week.

The weather forecasters are predicting a major snowstorm this weekend. 6 to 8 inches. If I need to run errands today, though ( Read more... )

spanish, errands, zara, sleep, weather, movies, computers

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Comments 2

days_unfolding January 12 2019, 04:43:49 UTC

I fed the girls, and Zara is manic and is bounding all over the kitchen. Mimi is keeping a safe distance and is staring at Zara like Zara's a lunatic. She might be right :)


joggingguy January 14 2019, 07:03:26 UTC
Do you want a web server for a public site or just a testing platform?


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