Here Comes the Snow

Jan 11, 2019 22:32

Woke up around 11 AM, went back to sleep, and woke up around 1. Feeling really groggy. Decided to not go to the new gym today. I think that I need to rest up and get rid of whatever has been making me not feel well this week.

The weather forecasters are predicting a major snowstorm this weekend. 6 to 8 inches. If I need to run errands today, though, I need to get them done before the snow starts. The college president is concerned about the students coming back to school this weekend. I'm glad that the library is closed this weekend.

Perked up a little. Started a load of laundry.

Made a grocery list. I don't need much. I want to pick up soda in case I'm socked in most of the weekend though.

I was paying a bill and leaning over my computer when Zara jumped on my shoulders. Goof. It was cool to hear her purr though. She has a subvocal purr, but I could hear it with her body up against my ear.

Took a brief nap. Had a bite to eat. Zara jumped on my shoulders again.

I wonder if Google is selling the details of my shopping list to advertisers. Probably.

Threw myself together. Ran errands. I bought a new winter hat to replace the one that I lost. I must have been hungry because I also bought some stuff to nosh on.

Back home. There are some movies on Netflix that I'd like to see. It's a little late to watch one now, but maybe later this weekend. I had heard that the Harry Potter movies were coming to Netflix later this month, but apparently that's only in Australia and New Zealand. Bummer. I was looking forward to watching them.

Looked into building PCs again. I want to build a web server. I found some instructions online, but the components that the person chose cost $700, and I can't afford that. OutletPC has decent prices on components. I ordered a "For Dummies" book on building your own PC. I'll probably consult with Erik too.

Studied Spanish. Looked up how to say "there's a lot of snow" in Spanish ("hay mucha nieve"). And here comes the snow....

Can't stop yawning. I think that I'll go to sleep early, and pick things up tomorrow. I'm not planning on going anywhere tomorrow. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, errands, zara, sleep, weather, movies, computers

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