Back to Work

Jan 02, 2024 22:00

I woke up at 8 AM, went back to sleep "for a half-hour," and overslept. I logged into work on time though, but without a shower.

I'm not sure what to do about home insurance and the painter. Someone at the trust is working on a home insurance quote for me, but I haven't heard back from them. Meanwhile, I have the paint. I would like to go down ( Read more... )

mom's house, mimi, zara, book, money, tv, dogs, house

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Comments 6

dadi January 3 2024, 16:59:12 UTC
Oh yes, these definitely have to come with you!


days_unfolding January 4 2024, 03:30:38 UTC

Yeah, I love them!


ragnarok_08 January 3 2024, 18:37:12 UTC
Great photos!


days_unfolding January 4 2024, 03:30:45 UTC



man_of_snows January 3 2024, 21:57:26 UTC

Good deal on the dvds. The creatures are lovely.


days_unfolding January 4 2024, 03:31:03 UTC

I think that they'll look great in the new house!


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