Back to Work

Jan 02, 2024 22:00

I woke up at 8 AM, went back to sleep "for a half-hour," and overslept. I logged into work on time though, but without a shower.

I'm not sure what to do about home insurance and the painter. Someone at the trust is working on a home insurance quote for me, but I haven't heard back from them. Meanwhile, I have the paint. I would like to go down there and give the painter the key, but I'm nervous about having him work there without insurance. Hmm.

I signed up for some webinars by Fidelity about increasing your savings. I need to bump up the amount taken from each paycheck to save for property taxes (but I won't have mortgage payments).

I took a shower during lunch. Progress. Now I'm on hold for my mom's bank. I was using the debit card for our joint account, and they started declining transactions. They estimate that I'll be on hold for 30 minutes. Ugh. Okay, I got stuff squared away with the bank. I also called to have the dumpster removed, and it'll be on Thursday.

Something weird happened with the Carol Burnett DVDs. The eBay auction ended at $71.50, but I had a bid of $100.00. But it didn't say that I won it. Oh! When I check the bids, it says "Pay now". Weird. Okay, it let me pay! Yay! That was a lot less than on Amazon! $80 less, I believe! And I'll have comedy to watch for a long time! (It turned out that I was faster than eBay on the fact that I won.)

I bought a set of Great Courses DVDs on communication, public speaking, conflict resolution, etc. And "The Guide to Essential Italy".

I'm thinking that I should take George the red Chinese dragon (who I think is as old as I am if not more) and the inside Buddha and the outside Buddha and the face statue in the gazebo down with me when I take the paint and put them in the closet in the office space in the new house. I don't want them knocked around by movers. And I don't know how to pack them anyways. And do I want to take St. Francis? And can I fit all of them in the car along with the paint and my suitcase and backpack? Maybe I should put the statues in the storage shed at the new house and then move them in after the painting is done.

I'm "telling" Mom that I'm taking the dragon and Buddha. She'd be pleased. It's funny, but now I'm not upset at the idea of taking stuff down from her house. I was at first. I think that being here a long time has actually helped me get used to the idea that she's gone.

Mom had some bins that would be great for the Great Courses DVDs and CDs. I think that I'll grab some.

I decided that I'll bring the wingback chair for Zara, although she's been staying away from it lately. I found a gray cover for it that would look nice (although I might lose a gray cat on a gray chair!) Zara lately has been hanging out near heat vents. And Mimi has been using me as a heater when I lie in bed. I guess that it’s winter.

I got the kitchen sink cleaned out, although I cut my finger on a cat food can top that had fallen in the water.

I’m reading about “Doodle” dogs, and apparently they’re high-energy. Hmm. If I want large dogs, I might need to have a larger fence put in at the new house. They’re also very intelligent, which I like. I also ordered some DVDs on dogs and dog training. For some reason, I was remembering the collie that I grew up with and how she’d fold down her ears when you said something that she didn’t like. “I can’t hear you!” Silly girl :) I had both a dog and a cat growing up. The cat would tease the dog, and the dog would get fed up and run after the cat, growling. One time the cat then ran up the Christmas tree, which started to sway, and my parents had to grab it. Ah, memories! The collie (Lady) also loved snow and would bound through it. She’d look at us like, “Why don’t you make it snow all the time?”

I finished the first Carol Burnett book. I almost cried when she wrote about her daughter dying. At least my mom was 82. Her daughter was 38.

I did a little more work on the kitchen, but I think that I'll get up early and finish (especially because I finished my book so I'll go to sleep!) I'll put laundry in the dryer (bringing down the paint for the windows that has been sitting in the kitchen) and then crash.

George the dragon. I'll need a ladder from the garage to get him down.

The indoor Buddha

The face

Outdoor Buddha

St. Francis

mom's house, mimi, zara, book, money, tv, dogs, house

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