New Year's Day

Jan 01, 2024 22:18

Woke up at 9 AM. I’m feeling groggy. Did the breakfast routine and now I’m lying down for a nap with Mimi on my hip. Had a nice nap.

I found the perfect gray dresser on Pricey, but it's solid wood, so it should last a long time. I was trying to save it on Overstock, but I didn't get the email to reset my password, so I'm saving it here too.

I have a boatload of stuff to do today. I need to go through the boxes in the garage and finish the bins upstairs.

I tried changing the light in the garage. It didn’t work. Suckage. I threw out four of five boxes. I brought the fifth one in to sort. Crud, I think that there’s two more boxes, but it’s getting dark in there. I’ll have to get up early tomorrow morning and do those boxes. No, I went out and looked at the other two boxes and chucked them. Mom saved a bunch of stuff from work. Now I’m thawing.

Took another nap with Mimi. Now someone is setting off fireworks, ugh.

Hmm. I think that I need to get up early because I want to clean out the car while I have the dumpster.

I got the garbage and recycling out. They might pick it up on Wednesday, but at least, it's out.

The last box from the garage is slow going. It's one of my mom's "memory boxes," so I need to go through each piece of paper. It's mostly from her early college years, and it's interesting. But very slow going. I'll take it out of the kitchen tomorrow so that I can tidy up the mess in there so that it can be cleaned.

I'm going to sleep so that I can get up early and work on the car. And it's back to work tomorrow.

furniture, mom's house, house, mimi

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