Shore Excursions and Walking Stomachs

Jan 03, 2024 22:22

Urgh. I had added a credit card to my Allivet (vet pet meds) account because it was missing, which was weird. And I changed my billing address. Then I received a message that the charge didn't go though. So on the phone I went, and apparently the change to the address didn't go through. Le sigh. But it's fixed.

The insurance person at the trust got back to me and said that she would check the status of the insurance policy. I haven't heard back since then.

Now I'm thinking that if Doodles are high-energy, they're probably not for me. (Though the one with heartworm is haunting me.) I got some books on corgis. (I like the looks of Doodles, Corgis, and Maltese dogs.) I noticed that there is no “Dummies” book on corgis. Maybe I’d be the one to write it? I checked, and there already is a "Cats for Dummies" book. Oh well. Hmm. Corgis are energetic too. One of the corgi books says that because corgis are herding dogs, they might try to "herd" other pets. They recommended getting puppies if you have other pets. Zara, I think, would teach them manners.

I found a grooming and boarding place and a (for fee) dog park in Urbana. And a dog training club.

Well, I went back to sleep this morning and didn’t finish the kitchen. But I got the counter cleaned off and the stove, so the cleaner can clean them.

I lay down for a nap at lunchtime. Mimi jumped off the bed when I put the phone on to charge (the charger is across the room) but came back when I sat up after the nap. Silly cat :)

I’m looking at step bookcases (ones that look like a set of stairs) for under the stairs in the new house.

I discovered Zara's new spot. She's sleeping on the love seat in the TV room. I told her that we would be taking it with us when we move. She went back to sleep :) I still think that I'll take the wingback chair for her though. I found a new cover for the wingback chair that has a skirt because she likes to hide under the one here. It's taupe, not gray, but I think that it will work. I'll put it in the "music room".

The orchids seem to like the new self-watering pots. I need to get the rest of them potted.

Hmm. My cleaner hasn't showed up. Maybe she thought that she was supposed to come next week, when it was originally scheduled. That's okay. More time to work on the kitchen after I finish the box because I want to throw it into the dumpster that's being picked up tomorrow. And I need to remember to move my car (done). I have no way to contact the cleaner though. She has called me previously, but I deleted the message. I don't see her in my text messages. She called at 4 PM and said that there was a snafu in her morning job. She said that she could still come, but I said let's just do it next week. And I added her to my contacts.

Oops, Zara is up and she wants food. I told her, as I have many times before, that she's a walking stomach. Yes, I'll give her her lunch now.

I sent a message to a company about snow removal for the new house. They also create patios, so I'd like to get to know them. I bet that they would put in garden beds too. They said that they don't do snow removal anymore because of the labor shortage. But! They can put in gardens for me as well as the patio! (Hmm, it looks like I'll need a snow blower.) Hmm, if there’s a labor shortage, I probably can’t get anyone to rake leaves at the new place. I need to grab my mom’s rake when I go.

After work, I came into my bedroom to lie down for a little while and turned on the lights. Mimi was asleep on my, er, her bed and gave me a bleary-eyed look. Now she’s back asleep.

Apple is sending me a replacement watch, which has shipped.

I'm wondering if I should take Mom's bird feeder, but I don't know where the trays are for it. I need to look in the garage.

If I ever get to Japan, I’m taking Japan Airlines. That evacuation was amazing.

I received a message from the travel agent for my cruise next year. I emailed back asking how I can make payments for the cruise. I booked my shore excursions, except for San Juan because I need to know when I'll arrive there. I had thought about skipping one of the destinations for a spa day on the ship, but I really want to go for the destinations, and I can have a spa day anywhere.

The lining on my down coat is stuck in the zipper. Someone online suggested using a tweezer, but that just pulled out a thread and poked small holes in the lining. Any suggestions are gratefully accepted.

The IRS almost gave me a heart attack by sending me a letter, but it was just saying that someone (me) accessed IRS data for the FAFSA. Whew.

I'm going to go to sleep now and work on my box in the morning.

mom's house, japan, mimi, zara, plants, aargh, dogs, money, house, travel, cats, cruise

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