Sock It to Me!

Jan 04, 2024 21:58

I found some hanging trays for bird feeders, so I guess that I’ll take Mom’s bird feeder. It would be great entertainment for the cats. There are some birds with a nest on the roof above my bedroom, and Mimi goes nuts watching them.

Ack! They're predicting eight inches of snow on Tuesday! I need to make sure that I have money for the lawn care/snow removal guy (done).

The insurance person at the trust wants to go over the quote for the home insurance on Monday. So I'm not going down to Urbana this weekend.

The dumpster is gone. Yay!

Ugh. I'm sitting here waiting for the TaskRabbit guy, who hasn't come yet. I have a meeting with my life coach in 25 minutes. He never showed or messaged.

Had my meeting with the life coach. We developed a plan for packing my stuff up here for the movers. She suggested getting painters tape (ordered) and putting it on stuff to move. I also want to make a list of stuff to move, so that I can check it off the list item by item.

I received the Laugh In DVDs. Sock it to me! I might watch one tonight after work. I also received the plant stands.

I submitted a Kroger order. I don't think that I'm getting BistroMD this week because of issues with my card, so I'm laying in supplies.

Hmm. I was mulling over the problems that I have with handling paper (which I will discuss with the organizers), and I decided that I need a basket with a handle to put mail in and carry it upstairs in my new house to pay bills and file. Mom had the perfect basket, so I put it with the stuff to take. I'll also need a wastebasket to use for mail to recycle. I also would like a larger basket for stuff going upstairs, and Mom had a good basket for that too, but it has stuff in it. I'll have to empty it. I also need a magazine rack for my bedroom. I found one that I like, and I put it on my "Urbana" wish list. (And I'll need to set "clearing" dates for the rack.) I found a book on managing paper, and I also got The Home Edit (which I had checked out of the library previously and it's good) and The Complete Book of Home Organization in printed versions for the pictures. I need a basket for computer headphones and USB drives. Also photography paraphernalia (bought on eBay--I'll pack stuff in the basket and then pack the basket). Oh, and Mom has a thing with little drawers in it that I'd like to take as well.

Now I'm wondering if I should take Mom's pots and pans. I want a rack to hang pots and pans, but mine have seen better days. Mom's are better (probably because she didn't cook much!) Eventually, I'd like a set of copper pots and pans, but I'll have lots of stuff to spend money on and need to delay some purchases.

I've decided that a little room upstairs will be the guest room. As I'm not expecting any guests, I don't need to make a big effort on it. I'll put the futon in there, a coffee table and end table, and some pictures. Maybe I could hang a curtain as a door, although there are two doors upstairs off their hinges, and I'm not sure where they go.

I got my Kroger order. And I forgot frozen yogurt bars! Aargh! I'll wait until tomorrow and put in another order with everything that I forgot. That's the downside of having groceries delivered; you don't get a visual prompt of stuff you might have forgotten.

I read an article today about emergency supplies to keep on hand. Thinking of the snow storm, I filled up my car with gas. My errand took me near a Kroger, and I picked up some drinking water for me and the cats in case the pipes freeze as well as the items that I forgot.

I got a horrendous water bill from the time that the water was flowing from the sprinkler system. That was an expensive mistake.

I promised Mimi that I would go up and snuggle with her when I got back, so I need to go do that. Mimi was asleep and was completely befuddled when I came up. She even didn’t want to be petted or climb on me!

I priced an induction cooktop/convection oven because eventually I’ll want to get rid of the stove in the new house, but it won’t happen any time soon. I found some wall coat hooks on Wayfair that I will get because I want to turn the area by the back door into a mudroom. Oh, and I need a boot tray. Hmm. I don’t know where my cordless drill is, so I need to get another one unless Mom had one. And a level device.

I read most of the evening. I need to get to bed soon.

organizing, weather, mom's house, life coach, mimi, food, tv, house, cats

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