Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2023 21:46

I was able to sleep in, so I woke up at 9AM. Bah. Took a nap after breakfast, didn't set an alarm, and woke up exactly when I would have woken up had I set an alarm.

It doesn't feel like Christmas. Well, I have a bunch of things to do on my mom's house. Paid some bills. I guess that our Christmas present is being able to be together. I missed the ( Read more... )

christmas, sleep, house

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Comments 8

one_raido December 25 2023, 04:30:41 UTC
Merry Christmas!


days_unfolding December 26 2023, 02:08:30 UTC

And to you!


ragnarok_08 December 25 2023, 06:01:07 UTC
Happy Holidays!!


days_unfolding December 26 2023, 02:08:40 UTC

And to you!


lenine2 December 25 2023, 07:20:05 UTC

Merry Christmas! A new house is quite a "gift" and it's the beginning of a new year.


days_unfolding December 26 2023, 02:08:59 UTC

Yeah, it's a time of new starts.


kensmind December 25 2023, 13:26:18 UTC

I hope the stress of moving in is soon behind you and you're able to relax and enjoy your new place! (And I hope you're able to find those Christmas music CDs, I love that kind of music this time of year.)


days_unfolding December 26 2023, 02:09:39 UTC

I have a lot of stuff in storage, so that part will be easy. I do have to pack some stuff in my mom's house though.


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