Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2023 21:46

I was able to sleep in, so I woke up at 9AM. Bah. Took a nap after breakfast, didn't set an alarm, and woke up exactly when I would have woken up had I set an alarm.

It doesn't feel like Christmas. Well, I have a bunch of things to do on my mom's house. Paid some bills. I guess that our Christmas present is being able to be together. I missed the girls. Oh, and the house is a GREAT Christmas present!

Crap. I ordered a CD of Tony Bennett singing traditional Christmas songs, and apparently I never checked out on Amazon. I ordered it anyway so that I'll have it next year. So much for my music. I need to raid Mom's CDs and see if she had any Christmas music.

I'm looking at toilet paper racks for my bathroom in the new house. I'm thinking a freestanding one. There isn't a lot of wall space near the toilet.

Selected my BistroMD meals and updated my card. Took another nap. Ordered some of the paint for the new house. I got the big rooms (the living room and upstairs room plus my bedroom). I'll have to wait to order the rest of it.

Somehow it's gotten late, so I'm going to go to sleep. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

christmas, sleep, house

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