Life Coach? Eh.

Aug 11, 2023 21:50

I requested a TaskRabbit guy to run errands for me on Tuesday. Yay. I want him to bring the bags of clothes to the thrift shop and drop off the canes.

I called Woman Within, and got a tracking number. The items are on their way to the USPS, and I should be able to change the address once it gets there.

Oops. I keep getting notices from various ( Read more... )

kauai, maui, weather, mom's house, life coach, lahaina, travel, clothes, exercise

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Comments 5

wpadmirer August 12 2023, 17:53:45 UTC

I thought about you and your Hawaii trip when I read about the fires. It's so sad what's happening on Maui.

I hope your trip is wonderful.


days_unfolding August 13 2023, 02:29:42 UTC



one_raido August 12 2023, 22:43:55 UTC
Cleaning out my sister's place, I mostly just tossed all of it without going through that much.


days_unfolding August 13 2023, 02:30:39 UTC

That's what the life coach wanted me to do, but I feel like going through my mom's stuff is my last conversation with her.


one_raido August 13 2023, 02:33:54 UTC

I can see that. Nice way of looking at it.


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