Life Coach? Eh.

Aug 11, 2023 21:50

I requested a TaskRabbit guy to run errands for me on Tuesday. Yay. I want him to bring the bags of clothes to the thrift shop and drop off the canes.

I called Woman Within, and got a tracking number. The items are on their way to the USPS, and I should be able to change the address once it gets there.

Oops. I keep getting notices from various sites that had my old debit card number that it was declined. That's easier than remembering all the places where I used the card though.

Apparently, Oprah and Jeff Bezos live part-time on Maui. I hope that they will give money. Oprah has visited people in the emergency shelters already.

A guy wrote An Ode to Lahaina that said it all for me and had me in tears.

I have to bump my Kauai trip a day earlier because I want a day at home before I jump in the car and travel to my meetings (assuming that I'm still here). I'm looking at info about food trucks in Kauai. It'll be the food truck tour :) And I can write about it on my blog. I also get a list of good restaurants there from Google Bard.

Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that I did chair yoga to a video yesterday. It was a lot more my speed than the killer yoga class. I need to find a place to do yoga and try a video of beginner's yoga.

I had my session with the life coach. I don't know what I think of her. She thinks that I need to set deadlines in order to get stuff done, plus I need to focus on one thing at a time. That's fair enough, but she thinks that it's ridiculous to put my life on hold to get my mom's house cleaned out, and she thinks that I shouldn't go through all of mom's stuff. I said that I would be done with the kitchen and bathrooms this weekend.

It occurred to me that one way to be sure that I get the kitchen done is to schedule someone to clean it before I have it done (done) Then I'll be sure to finish it.

Tornado warning. So I'm sitting in the dark basement. Earlier, I tried on my Daily Look clothes and actually kept most of them. They looked better on than in the box. Huh. What do I do now? I was able to change my flights on my phone. I added two extra days because I want seven full days on Kauai. I went to add the extra days to my hotel, and it was full, so I found another hotel.

Now I'm back upstairs. I got my Daily Look returns ready to mail tomorrow. Fed myself and the beasties. I'm running out of steam, so I'm going to go to bed soon.

kauai, maui, weather, mom's house, life coach, lahaina, travel, clothes, exercise

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