Now, Kauai

Aug 10, 2023 22:30

I'm hoping that Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison will donate money to Maui. They live on different islands, but this is a tragedy. I donated some money. Not nearly enough. The Pioneer Inn is confirmed gone.

I got the freezer plugged in again with a new adapter. I should be getting more food tomorrow.

I don't know what to do. There is going to be a press conference on Maui at 3 AM my time. The sensible thing would be to go to sleep, but I want to watch it. I did get up and watched CNN but no press conference.

Groggy this morning.

I'm wondering if I should switch my Maui trip to Kauai. They're talking about needing the hotel rooms for displaced residents, and that situation won't resolve any time soon. I think that I'll plan a trip to Kauai but not book it yet and see what happens. The hotel that I liked in Poipu is available. I might not want to wait too long, though, because other people might be rebooking as well. I'm also thinking of moving my trip to my birthday in November. Note to self: meetings on the 15th and 16th.

I checked TaskRabbit, and I could hire someone to take Mom's clothes over to the thrift shop. I'll get organized and book someone. And maybe someone to put the glassware into the linen closet plus take the magazines upstairs to the garage.

My presentation at work went really well! I got the idea to breathe as if I was singing, and it slowed my speech down and made it more full. It's the first time that I've felt excited after a presentation! Yeah, I listened to the recording and in general, I sounded good. Yay!

Hmm. There still are some housing bargains on the Big Island (Hawaii island) if you don't mind living in a small town. Something to consider. I'd have to see how long a drive it is to Hilo or Kailua-Kona. No, the real bargains are in the area where lava erupted a couple of years ago. I'll pass on that.

I put my new batch of food in the freezer. The meals are more to my liking. I'll fine-tune them as I go along.

I decided that yes, I should change the trip because it's supposed to be relaxing to recuperate from Mom's passing, and things on Maui now are not relaxing. (I definitely will go back later though.) I might not be able to get my money back for tours and such, but they need the money. I tried to change my flights, but Expedia is having issues. I'll try again later. I canceled the hotel in Lahaina and booked one on Kauai. I found some tours that interest me. Interestingly, they have a tour for "travel bloggers and social media influencers" that you can design based on your interests.

I just thought about an easy way to make money; sell a map of the most photogenic places for graduation pictures on the U of I campus. The question is how to sell them.

I was thinking that it would be good to have a Web site for people to get hiking buddies if they don't want to hike alone. Well, there is a Facebook group that does exactly that. Awesome. I probably won't do a lot of hiking this trip, but would like to go back and get a hiking buddy.

Part of the reason that I'm picking at my diet food is the food. Tonight I had a meal off plan, and I had a Factor meal, and gobbled it right up. It's not totally a bad thing that I'm eating meals that I'm less than thrilled with.

I need to do a few chores and go to sleep. Oh, and I'll try one more time to change my flights.

maui, earning money, mom's house, hawaii, kauai. work, food, weight loss, lahaina, travel, hiking

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