Now, Kauai

Aug 10, 2023 22:30

I'm hoping that Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison will donate money to Maui. They live on different islands, but this is a tragedy. I donated some money. Not nearly enough. The Pioneer Inn is confirmed gone.

I got the freezer plugged in again with a new adapter. I should be getting more food tomorrow.

I don't know what to do. There is going to be ( Read more... )

maui, earning money, mom's house, hawaii, kauai. work, food, weight loss, lahaina, travel, hiking

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Comments 4

ragnarok_08 August 11 2023, 16:24:48 UTC
Glad the presentation went well :)


days_unfolding August 12 2023, 02:59:55 UTC



one_raido August 11 2023, 22:12:35 UTC
I was wondering if your trip to Hawaii was where the fires were. Good idea to change the location.


days_unfolding August 12 2023, 03:01:08 UTC

Technically the hotel was in the same town where the fire was, but it was on the outskirts and didn't burn. I still think that moving the trip was the right thing to do though.


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