Made It to Yoga Class!

Aug 02, 2023 23:48

Got the clothes in the dryer. Apparently, I washed the Honda key, but it's still working. Way to go, Honda key. My back is killing me.

Got the app to use for weight loss installed. Logged my first meal. I'm thinking of doing a weight-loss bet through HealthyWage to defray some of my costs (done).

Paid my YMCA bill (it was on my old card) and ( Read more... )

shopping, diet, glasses, mimi, chores, book, errands, weight loss, money, clothes, exercise

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Comments 8

lab_jazz August 3 2023, 06:12:49 UTC
1984 is as depressing as all hell. I'd avoid it if I was you

and some plastic spoons

over here plastic spoons are now banned


days_unfolding August 3 2023, 06:13:47 UTC

These spoons are biodegradable.


theonlyrachel August 3 2023, 13:28:25 UTC
There was a time when I would have recommended Daily Burn for workouts, but they recently scrapped the whole program supposedly in preparation to revamp the whole thing. Right now all the workouts are reruns and they terminated the contracts with all their instructors and their hosts, so I am not renewing my membership when it comes up for renewal in December. Zumba is something I miss doing from the days when I had a gym membership. It's a lot of fun. The only thing I don't miss is the decibel level. The instructors would crank of the volume to ear-damaging levels. They would give me excuses and basically accuse me of being a spoilsport if I asked them to turn the volume down.


days_unfolding August 4 2023, 03:09:11 UTC

Yeah, the YMCA cranks the music way high. That's something I don't like about them.


cerezamarrero August 3 2023, 15:23:44 UTC
Yay for the yoga! How do you feel today? I've been doing better about my yoga practice now that I'm better about walking and it's really done wonders to help my back out.


days_unfolding August 4 2023, 03:09:54 UTC

I felt better than yesterday, but still a little sore. I did get a short walk in.


ragnarok_08 August 3 2023, 18:45:00 UTC
Nice new glasses!

Yes, yoga pants are so comfortable :)


days_unfolding August 4 2023, 03:10:03 UTC



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