Made It to Yoga Class!

Aug 02, 2023 23:48

Got the clothes in the dryer. Apparently, I washed the Honda key, but it's still working. Way to go, Honda key. My back is killing me.

Got the app to use for weight loss installed. Logged my first meal. I'm thinking of doing a weight-loss bet through HealthyWage to defray some of my costs (done).

Paid my YMCA bill (it was on my old card) and checked that I was registered for yoga.

Hmm. Another book club posted 1984 as the book for the month. I don't really want to read 1984. I was trying to talk myself into reading it, but why? I have plenty to do without reading a book that I don't want to read. So, no. Plus I have a weight-loss book to read.

I was wondering if I should try Zumba on Mondays. I had a feeling that I had something else going on on Mondays, and it's my weight-loss call. Fardles. Maybe I can reschedule it? Yeah, my coach said that it would be good for me to do Zumba, and we rescheduled for Thursday afternoons. Yay. I also brought up some exercise videos from my health insurance that I can do at home.

I made it to Yoga! I got my "scan card" (you scan it when you arrive and leave) and went to the class. Well. It was the toughest yoga class that I've ever been to. Another new person was next to me, and he got up and left partway through. I told the teacher that it was the toughest yoga class that I had been to, and she said "Oh no!" But I agreed to come back. (it's been hours since the class, and my abs are still twitching.)

Afterward, I went to the fancy smancy grocery store. It had great produce though. I got kiwi, pineapple, and mangos, some cut up pineapple, and some kiwi and strawberries to put into a infuser, and a salad mix. By then I was starving, so I got a yogurt parfait (I was proud of myself for getting something nutritious) and some plastic spoons. And some granola squares. And a silicone glove for baking. It was expensive. Like $90 expensive. But the produce was beautiful. Afterward, I sat in the car and ate the yogurt. And then I went home.

Mimi was chewing me out because she was hungry! And I hadn't been home! Well, I just ate yogurt in a car, so I can't complain too much :)

I have a boatload of stuff to do. The manager of my mom's trust said that I should get a payout to fix the house next week, so yay! But she asked for receipts, and that will take a while. Plus I need to make up time at work because I left early (done). I need to take pictures of my blobby self for the weight-loss coach (done). Etc.

I forgot to mention that I got my new glasses the other day, and I wore one pair for the first time today and love them. Like "I might want another pair" love them. I'll try to remember to take a picture of me wearing them.

I'm probably the last person to realize this, but yoga pants are oh so comfortable. I'm tempted to get another pair or two (done).

I found an "over 50" workout online that looks good, but I need to clear some stuff out to make room for it. And buy some hand weights (done).

shopping, diet, glasses, mimi, chores, book, errands, weight loss, money, clothes, exercise

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