So. Freaking. Tired.

Jan 04, 2023 23:28

Zara was cute last night. She kept on running around, and I told her that she'll need a nap, but she stayed up while I was up. As soon as I got in bed, she curled up next to me and fell deeply asleep. Awww. It's interesting seeing where the girls are staking their claims to their territory. Mimi is claiming the living room. I decided to bring the ( Read more... )

home, tired, mimi, move, zara, errands, mom, work

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Comments 10

ragnarok_08 January 5 2023, 06:28:10 UTC
That does sound exhausting!


days_unfolding January 5 2023, 19:54:21 UTC

I'm feeling a little more well-rested today.


lenine2 January 5 2023, 06:31:32 UTC

It sounds like the moving's end is in sight. I am thinking of you and your mom's situation.


days_unfolding January 5 2023, 19:54:30 UTC



maju01 January 5 2023, 17:15:06 UTC

Moving is tiring and stressful, for both humans and pets. I hope you all feel more settled and better rested soon.


days_unfolding January 5 2023, 19:54:42 UTC



kensmind January 5 2023, 17:43:04 UTC

I hope you're able to find time to help your mom. It must be frightening to lose your mobility like that.


days_unfolding January 5 2023, 19:53:50 UTC

Yeah, I know. I wish that I wasn't in the middle of moving when she's having these problems. I'll get out there as soon as I can.


ravengirl January 5 2023, 19:47:24 UTC

Lots going on for you, of course. It's a big thing, moving, even when just down the street haha
What you say about working from home rings true. On the phone with a co-worker yesterday I said, "I wanna go home!" ...I was home. But in the "working mode", we are "in the office"!

I hope things work out with your mom. It does sound like help is needed and you can't be there all the time. It's a challenging time for both of you. I feel for you.


days_unfolding January 5 2023, 19:55:04 UTC



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