So. Freaking. Tired.

Jan 04, 2023 23:28

Zara was cute last night. She kept on running around, and I told her that she'll need a nap, but she stayed up while I was up. As soon as I got in bed, she curled up next to me and fell deeply asleep. Awww. It's interesting seeing where the girls are staking their claims to their territory. Mimi is claiming the living room. I decided to bring the old ratty cat tree with us because Mimi likes it, and I put it in one of the living room windows. Mimi was lying on it this morning. She's also been lying on the futon. Zara has claimed my, er, our bed :) They are showing some signs of stress though. Mimi is asleep in the little house in the cat tree, which is defensible. Zara is sticking to me like glue.

It's a dark and sleepy day. I'm feeling completely hammered despite my nap at lunch. I'm planning to stay home today and catch up on my sleep, although I need to run to Meijer yet again.

It's funny how we still use the metaphor of being "in the office" even though we're remote. My boss sent an email saying that she was "heading home early". I've sent emails saying that I'll be "in after lunch". We must be meeting in some virtual office space in the cloud.

I emailed the house management company about whether they arrange trash pickup or I need to do it. There is no trash can here. They said that I need to arrange it. I emailed the company that they recommended.

Talked to Mom and told her about the cats. She's not eating or sleeping enough "because she has too much to do". She can't get upstairs to take a shower. She said that she would need to put in a handrail to get upstairs, "but there is too much crap on the stairs". Hell. I need to get out there. I suggested hiring someone once a week to help out, and she thinks that it's too expensive. I said that I don't think that we can help the situation without spending some money. I did some research into possible helpers. I'm thinking that I need to come out for two weeks, but that would be rough on the cats and expensive for the pet sitter.

Tried to nap, but my mind was churning.

My plan of record is to go over to the old place tomorrow and start taking my hanging clothes out. I'm going to ask for one more week in the place, and rent a truck on Sunday to get the rest of the stuff out. There isn't much, but it would be more efficient to get it in one fell swoop. Then I'll be able to clean.

I did my nightly run to Meijer. I got a garbage can for recyclables to put in the mud room, and it works well. And a belt to keep my jeans from falling down! And some other stuff. I got a cat litter scoop with a long handle. We'll see how well it works.

I'm pooped. I need to do nighttime chores and get to bed.

home, tired, mimi, move, zara, errands, mom, work

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