The Eagle Has Landed at Tranquility Base

Jan 02, 2023 22:21

Overslept a little, but still got up at 5 AM. Tired, but it's manageable.

The guys came and were complimentary about how I cleaned the place up. They did a fantastic job and were fast.(I'll leave them a good review on Yelp.) But when I tried to pay on Venmo, it wouldn't go through with my debit card. I tried entering my bank account number, but Venmo said that it didn't have automatic verification with my bank. So then we drove over to my bank. Today is a bank holiday. So I withdrew money from the ATM, but it would let me withdraw only $1000. So they let me write a check for the rest. I showed them that I had the money in my account and wasn't trying to stiff them. What a hassle.

Right now, I'm chilling in my back yard. I need to unload my car and get a few things at the store. And find the folding table that I'm using until I get a nice dining room table. And find my sheets, towels, and blankets. After all that, it'll be time for a nap. Maybe I'll nap before going to the store. Oh, and I need to set stuff up for work tomorrow.


I found my sheets, blankets, and towels easily. Nap time. Couldn't sleep. Too keyed up. Found the folding table for my dining table too.

I'm looking at gyms in the area to which I can get access through BCBS. There's a Planet Fitness nearby. Which reminds me to check out the pool, yoga, and Tai chi offered by the Urbana Park District. Oh, living here will be so much fun. I also want to take a walk and explore downtown Urbana.

I was also looking at used lift-recliner chairs for my mom to use, but they are pricey even used. I'd like her to be able to stay here though, and she's no longer able to get up from her couch.

Well, hell. I don't have the right hardware to hook up my cable modem. I probably have it at the old place, but I really don't feel like getting it right now. I wonder if I could get something at Lowe's? Yes. Yay, Lowe's. I better get moving. I guess that I'll go to Meijer for food because it's near Lowe's.

Ate at Steak N' Shake. It's weird how hanging out here is bringing back memories of my college days. (I went to college at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.) It's strange to be back here again at age 60. I also realized why I like Urbana. It's a lot like Evanston, the town in which I grew up. Lots of trees, older houses, quaint streetlights....My mom loved Evanston and she loved Urbana too. Funny how we get "imprinted".

Ran my errands. I was looking at my cart at Meijer and thought, "That's a $200 cart." I was right. And it didn't even fill up the back seat of my car. I have to be careful because I wanted new dish towels because my old ones are well, old, and stained, and a new dish drainer....Neither of which were horribly expensive, but it adds up. And for some reason, I was looking at their small tropical fish section. Like I need a new project. Kitty TV though!

The rain nicely held off until I was on my way home.

The coax cable doohickey from Lowe's didn't work, so I'll use my phone's hotspot for work tomorrow morning. I have to go to Lincoln to pick up the cats tomorrow afternoon, so I'll get the rest of the hardware from the old TV room.

I don't have my full work setup set up, but I'm too tired to deal with it now. I'm going to crash and get up early.

fish, c-u, weather, move, errands, furniture, cats, exercise

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