Too Old for Air Mattresses

Oct 16, 2022 00:41

My aunt's nephew told me that there will be no place for me to sleep at my aunt's house next weekend. My mom will sleep in the recliner. He told me that he'd buy an air mattress if I wanted, but I said that I was too old for air mattresses, and he laughed. I booked a hotel for me to stay at. He said that he'd reimburse me for the hotel (or actually ( Read more... )

sleep, economy, headache, mimi, chores, mom, food, tim, auntie a, clothes, chicago, dad

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Comments 13

sunshine_two October 16 2022, 06:44:35 UTC
Everything is indicating a recession so, cut costs and start saving money. Lock your inheritance in to an investment because let's face it, you're a spender ;) I'm still waiting to hear how your treadmill is, and about your bread making lol

Good luck honey.


days_unfolding October 18 2022, 05:07:08 UTC

The bread maker doesn't mix bread well, and it made a big mess. The treadmill is a fair cop, although right now, my aunt's stereo is on top of it.

Maybe I should put the money into a CD.


sunshine_two October 18 2022, 06:08:17 UTC

I lock my 'no touch' money in term deposits for specific periods of time (like 5 years). As lending rates go up, so will the rate of these investments. At your age, I'm not sure if purchasing a home is the best way to go. If you retire in 5 years, and want to relocate to somewhere else, you may lose a good chunk of your equity based on the short time you've been paying the mortgage via realtor fees, and housing prices. My best advice is pay down your debt, and save $$.


days_unfolding October 18 2022, 06:09:22 UTC

I'm planning on retiring in 10 years.


one_raido October 16 2022, 16:23:59 UTC
Yeah. While an air mattress might be okay for actually sleeping, getting up from one would be a workout.


days_unfolding October 18 2022, 05:07:38 UTC

Yeah, I'd probably end up rolling on the floor.


madman101 October 16 2022, 18:19:18 UTC
days_unfolding October 18 2022, 05:08:24 UTC

I was able to get Skechers at a discount on eBay.

The new fruit bars are good.


madman101 October 20 2022, 10:30:26 UTC


ragnarok_08 October 16 2022, 22:00:27 UTC
I'm sorry about the headache :(


days_unfolding October 18 2022, 05:08:42 UTC

Thanks, It went away.


lab_jazz October 17 2022, 00:11:02 UTC
She said that she's not feeling emotionally supported by me, but I don't know what she wants. She dumps all her stress on me, gets disappointed in me, and hangs up.

Mothers can be a curse. You don't have to run rings around her, just do what you can.

Sending you long distance hugs


days_unfolding October 18 2022, 05:10:15 UTC

Yeah, I don't know how to deal with her, but I think that things will be better after we finish cleaning out my aunt's house. IN the meanwhile, I have to learn to let it roll off of me.


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