Too Old for Air Mattresses

Oct 16, 2022 00:41

My aunt's nephew told me that there will be no place for me to sleep at my aunt's house next weekend. My mom will sleep in the recliner. He told me that he'd buy an air mattress if I wanted, but I said that I was too old for air mattresses, and he laughed. I booked a hotel for me to stay at. He said that he'd reimburse me for the hotel (or actually, reimburse my mom because I'm using her credit card for stuff related to my aunt's house. She has a crazy amount of credit.)

Someone in my class recommended That's It! fruit bars, so I ordered a sampler box of them. I'm always looking for stuff to satisfy my sweet tooth, and they're healthy.

I think that I want to try Factor for meals when I get my aunt's money. They have some meals that sound really good.

Slept until noon. I must have needed the sleep. Started laundry. Checked in on the discord for my classes. One person said that she was thinking of dropping out, but she decided to stay. I'm glad.

I want to start packing for Chicago next weekend. I'm trying to decide whether to take the bigger suitcase or the carry-on. I can do laundry at my aunt's house or my mom's house.

I'm trying to figure out what to do in what order. I do want a nap. I need to go to the grocery store, and I started a list. And I should start on homework.

My dad is saying don't buy real estate or a car because interest rates are going up. Makes sense, but I'm wondering how long the economy will be screwed up. My dad says that it's anyone's guess.

Mom bought a pair of arch-support Skechers shoes, and she said that they were helping her walking. They're expensive though, so I'm looking on eBay for less expensive ones and have a bunch that I'm watching. Who'd of thought that I'd get into a shoe fetish over Skechers? I'm trying to decide between an arch support shoe (which is what I was looking for) and a really cute pair of sneakers. Okay, I bought the arch support shoes, but I'm not entirely ruling out getting the sneakers too.

I'm getting a headache, so I'm going to lie down for a little while. Mimi is snuggled up against me. Maybe I'll go to the store after I talk to Mom, but I'm also eyeing cinnamon bread sticks at Dominos for delivery.

Talked to Mom. She said that she's not feeling emotionally supported by me, but I don't know what she wants. She dumps all her stress on me, gets disappointed in me, and hangs up. She also said that her friend Lotus will drop everything and be there for her, but I have a job. Lotus is retired. All I know is that talking to me doesn't make her happy, and I sit and churn over the conversation for a couple of hours.

I think that I'll just shower, put on fresh pajamas, and order Dominos (done). The food has put me into a food coma, so I'm going to bed.

sleep, economy, headache, mimi, chores, mom, food, tim, auntie a, clothes, chicago, dad

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