Lack of a Nap

Jul 31, 2022 21:36

So much for getting up early; I overslept. I decided not to take a shower because I took one late yesterday and my hair looked okay. Italian went well, although my teacher was a little late. He was buying cat food! We did the exercise that I dreaded, putting scrambled words in a sentence in the right order, and it went okay.

I bought some music ( Read more... )

piano, chores, errands, sleep, french, italian, mimi

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Comments 4

ragnarok_08 August 1 2022, 03:00:33 UTC
Yup, I can't nap whenever I have things to do as well.


days_unfolding August 2 2022, 05:44:38 UTC
Usually I can even if I have stuff to do. I guess that I had rested enough though.


kensmind August 1 2022, 15:40:16 UTC
You are getting very sleepy.....

I hope you slept well!


days_unfolding August 2 2022, 05:44:46 UTC
I did!


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